Family: Amaranthaceae
Synonyms: Aerva persica var. bovei (Webb) Chiov., Aerva tomentosa var. bovei (Webb) C.B.Clarke
English: Javanese Wool Plant.
Hindi: बुई, buyi

Siddha/Tamil: Perumpoolai.
Folk: Dholphuli, Khul. Paashaanabheda (southern India), Bhooh
Action: Anti-inflammatory, diuretic, anticalculus, insecticidal. Wooly seeds are used against rheumatism.
Shrub about 3-4 feet high leaves about 6-8 cm long and about 1 cm broad tomentose little bit leathery, flowers less than half cm
Uses: Hemorrhoids, skin dryness and self cracking of skin
1. Method of use hemorrhoids:
Take the 1 kg root of the plant and boil it with 5 litre of water keep boiling until the water is reduced to 1 litre, keep that water in clay pot and drink the 25 -30 mL of water in fasting for 15-20 days.
2. Method of use skin dryness and self cracking of skin:
Fresh 500 g whole plant is grinded and 500 mL of hair oil is mixed with plants and a paste is prepred and is applied on the dryied skin everynight for 3-5 days
Following compounds are isolated from Aerva javanica: Chrysoeriol, isorhamnetin 3-O-rutinoside, and kaempferol 3-O-robinoside, a series of hydrocarbons ranging from C13-C30 in addition to campesterol, β-sitosterol, and the triterpenoid α- and β-amyrin, as well as fatty alc. fraction ranging from C26-C36 and 14 fatty acids in which pentadecanoic acid represent the major constituent (20.39 %). while the isolated flavonoidal compds. isorhamnetin 3-O-rutinoside and chrysoeriol showed marked activity against G -ve bacteria. (Medicinal Plants of Sindh)
14 Published articles of Aerva javanica