Dioscorea alata L.
Family: Dioscoreaceae

Bengali: Bengo Nari, Chupri Alu, Kham Alu
Burmese: Myauk Uu Ni, Taw Myauk Uu
Chinese: Da Shu, Shen Shu
English: Purple Yam, Greater Yam, Guyana Arrowroot, Name-De-Agua, Ten-Month Yam, Ten-Months Yam, Ube, Ubi, Violet Yam, Water Yam, White Manila Yam, White Yam, Winged Yam, Winged Yam Dioscorea Alata, Yam
French: Grande Igname, Igname Ailée, Igname De Chine
German: Geflügelter Yam, Wasser Yamswurzel, Wasseryam
Hindi: Chupri Alu, Khamalu, खमालू, जुपरी आलू
Japanese: Daijo, Daijyo
Kannada: Tuna Genasu
Laotian: Houo
Mynmar: Mautinsong, Myauk-u, Taw-myauk-u,
Nepalese: Ghara Tarul, Kukur Tarul
Oriya: Kambo Alu
Portuguese: Inhame, Inhame Da India
Russian: Dioscoreia Krylataia, Dioskoreia Alata, Iams Belyi, Iams Krylatyi
Sanskrit: Alukam
Spanish: ñame Blanco, ñame De Agua, Tabena
Tamil: Mullu Valli, Perumvalii Kilangu, Peruvalli, Yams Kallu
Telugu: Dukka Pendalam, Gunapendalamu, Niluva Pendalum, Niluvapendalamu, Niluvu Pendalam
Thai: Man Bak Hep (Don Daeng), Man Liam (Northern Thailand), Man Sao (Central Thailand), Noi (Chiang Mai)
Vietnamese: Khoai Long, Khoai Ngà, Khoai Tía, Khoai Trút
Ayurvedic uses: Even the best among the cultivated yams causes irritation in the throat or a feeling of discomfort when eaten raw. Wild yams—cholagogue, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic, diuretic. Also used for painful periods, cramps and muscle tension .
Uses: Tuber: Grated, mixed with brown stout vinegar, spread onto paper and placed on the small
of a woman's back to prevent or forestall a threatened abortion (unwanted miscarriage). [Medicinal Plants of the Guianas (Guyana, Surinam, French Guiana)]
261 Published articles of Dioscorea alata