Family: Aquifoliaceae
Synonyms: Ilex bioritsensis var. integra H.F. Comber, Ilex cunninghamii Loudon, Ilex dentonii hort. ex Loudon, Ilex dipyrena var. connexiva W.W. Sm., Ilex dipyrena var. paucispinosa Loes., Ilex monopyrena G. Watt ex Loes., Nemopanthus andersonii Pasq.
English: Himalayan Holly
Chinese: 刺叶冬青, shuang he gou gu
Finnish: Himalajanorjanlaakeri
Description: A small to medium sized tree. Bark dark grey and rough. Shoots and twigs puberulous, glabrate. Leaves alternate, elliptic-lanceolate, 6.5-12 x 2.6-3.7 cm, coriaceous, margin spinose, thickened and slightly revolute, sometimes entire (in older leaves), subacuminate, midrib prominent on undersurface, impressed above, lamina glabrous and shiny above. Petiole 2-4 mm long, minutely pubescent. Flowers bi- or unisexual, in axillary globose clusters, whitish-green, 4-merous, bracteoles 2, triangular ovate, ± 1 mm long, pubescent. Petals obovate, connate at the base, free in the female flowers. Stamens adnate basally to the petals. Ovary ovoid, stigma sessile. Drupe globose, 10-12 mm broad, red-scarlet; pyrenes 2, plano-concave, 6 x 5mm, back deeply ribbed.
Leaves diuretic, purgative. [CRC World Dictionary of Medicinal and Poisonous Plants]
2 Published articles of Ilex dipyrena