Family: Zygophyllaceae
Sanskrit : Gokshuraka, Trikata, Svadamshtra, Traikantaka
Assamese : Gokshura, Gukhurkata
Bengali : Gokshura, Gokhri
English : Caltrops
Gujrati : Be tha gokharu, Nana gokharu, Mithogokharu
Hindi : Gokhru
Kannada : Sannanaggilu, Neggilamullu, Neggilu
Kashmiri : Michirkand, Pakhda
Malayalam : Nerinjil
Marathi : Sarate, Gokharu
Oriya : Gukhura, Gokhyura
Punjabi : Bhakhra, Gokhru
Tamil : Nerinjil, Nerunjil
Telugu : Palleru
Urdu : Khar-e-Khasak Khurd
Uses / Activity: Sularoga, Arsha,Svasa, Daurbalya, Hrudroga, Kasa, Mutrakruccha, Asmari, Prameha, Analgesic effect, Anticalcifying potency , Antihypertensive and vasodilator effects, Antimicrobial Activity , antioxidant activity , Aphrodisiac , endocrine sensitive organs , erectile dysfunction, Food supplements , for urinary stone , Hepatoprotective , Hepatoprotective activity , Hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic effects, Improve male sexual function , Molluscicidal activity , Nephroprotective , Nephrotoxicity , Ovarian Cysts , Protective effect, Sexual Function in Post-Menopausal Women.
335 Published scholarly articles of Tribulus terrestris