Family: Orchidaceae
Synonym: Serapias helleborine L.
Common name: Broad Leaved Helleborine
German name: Gewöhnliche Grün-Ständelwurz (-Stendelwurz).

Chinese: 火烧兰
Estonian: Laialehine neiuvaip
French: Épipactis à larges feuilles
Upper sorbian: Šěroki stawač
Hebrew: בן-חורש רחב-עלים
Latvian: Platlapu dzeguzene
Lithuanian: Plačialapis skiautalūpis
Netherlands: Brede wespenorchis
Polski: Kruszczyk szerokolistny
Russian: Дремлик зимовниковый
Suomi: Lehtoneidonvaippa
Svenska: Skogsknipprot
Vietnamese: Epipactis helleborine
Perennial, stem erect 20-100 cm, hairless below, downy above, base scaly, all leafed, flowers pinkish-violet. Seeds oval or spherical in external longitudinal, hyaline testa with distinct cells, 1.1-1.3 x c. 0.2 mm. Testa surface longitudinal striate, high lustrous, faint brown, seeds palebrown. [ATLAS OF SEEDS AND FRUITS OF CENTRAL AND EAST-EUROPEAN FLORA]
Epipactis helleborine and Listera ovata showed a marked anti-HCMV activity.
55 Published articles of Epipactis helleborine