Family: Ranunculaceae
Synonyms: Atragene zeylanica L., Naravelia pilulifera var. yunnanensis Y. Fei
- Bengali: chagulbati
- Chinese: 锡兰莲
- Irula: Kattu seekkaikodi
- Malayalam: വാതക്കൊടി[ vaathakodi, Karuppakodi, Vathamkodi
- Sanskrit: Agnivalli, Dhanavalli
- Sinhalese: narawael
- Tamil: Vathomkolli, Neendavalli.
- Other Indian names: balluli hambu, behalisham, bendri-chi-vel, charachara balli, dhanavalli, erivally, erpeballi, gorap-choi, gorap choi, goropchoi, har-jura, iruppakkodi, kaarupippala tivva, karupippalativva, karuppakkoti, kathirvalli, kharau-sai-rikang, mukkupeenasa teega, mukkupinasatige, naakchaikani, nang-nang-birik-rikang, neendamalli, nintavalli, poitalacci, polutalacci, poytalacci, pulla bachala, rikang-birik, sangongri, sirukodipatchilai, talavedana valli vatakkoti, vadakkodivalli, vatakkoti, vatamkkolli, vathakodi
Description: Climbing shrubs; young stem, leaves and buds densely villous; roots tuberous. Leaves 2-3-foliolate; leaflets 4-12 x 3-8 cm, elliptic-ovate, base rounded, margins distantly dentate, apex acute or acuminate, pubescent beneath, glabrous above, basally 5-ribbed; terminal leaflet transformed into a 3-fid, hooked tendril, up to 9 cm long; petioles 5-10 cm long. Flowers c. 1.5 cm across, bisexual, in terminal and axillary divaricately branched, up to 15 cm long panicles. Sepals 4-5, greenish yellow, 0.8-1 cm long, elliptic, pubescent without. Petals 6-12, greenish yellow, 0.7-0.9 x 1-1.5 mm, linear to spathulate. Stamens many; filaments ligulate; staminodes 10-14, petaloid. Carpels many; ovule 1per carpel; style 1.5-2 mm long; stigma clavate. Achenes many; 0.8-1 cm long, linear, stalked, with spirally twisted, 3-4 cm long, feathery persistent style.
Used in Ayurveda. Vine crushed and inhaled to cure headache; fresh stems chewed in toothache; plant paste consumed with Borassus flabellifer for chest pain. Young leaves paste applied on skin diseases and ulcers, and on forehead for cold and headache; roots of Eranthemum palatiferum pounded with leaves of Naravelia zeylanica and applied in bone fracture. Crushed roots inhaled against cold and fever. Ceremonial, religious and supernatural beliefs. [CRC World Dictionary of Medicinal and Poisonous Plants]
Astringent, antiinflammatory, vulnerary, anthelmintic. Used for colic, headache, inflammations, rheumatic pain, wounds and ulcers, intestinal worms, leprosy and skin diseases. Saps of stem—effective in onychia. [Indian Medicinal Plants An Illustrated Dictionary]
13 Published articles of Naravelia zeylanica