Family: Euphorbiaceae
Bengali: Barokarni
Common name: Asthma Weed, Common spurge, Cats hair
Cebuano - Mangagaw
Chinese: 飞扬草
Hindi: बड़ा दुधी Bara dudhi
Indonesian: Patikan kebo

Konkani: Dudurli
Malayalam: Nelapalai, ചിത്തിരപ്പാല
Manipuri: Pakhamba maton
Marathi: दुधी Dudhi, Nayati- नायटी
Oriya: ଚିତାକୁଟି
Tamil: Ammam Paccharisi
Urdu: lal dodhak
Thai: น้ำนมราชสีห์
Telugu: Nanabalu, నానబాలు
Synonyms: Chamaesyce gemella (Lag.) Small , Chamaesyce hirta (L.) Millsp. , Chamaesyce karwinskyi (Boiss.) Millsp. , Chamaesyce rosei Millsp. , Desmonema hirta (L.) Raf. , Ditritea hirta (L.) Raf. , Euphorbia bancana Miq. , Euphorbia capitata Lam. , Euphorbia chrysochaeta W.Fitzg. , Euphorbia gemella Lag. , Euphorbia globulifera Kunth , Euphorbia karwinskyi Boiss. , Euphorbia nodiflora Steud. , Euphorbia obliterata Jacq. , Euphorbia verticillata Vell. [Illegitimate] , Chamaesyce hirta (L.) Small , Euphorbia pilulifera Jacq. , Tithymalus pilulifer (L.) Moench , Chamaesyce hirta var. glaberrima (Koidz.) H.Hara , Chamaesyce hirta f. glaberrima (Koidz.) Hurus. , Chamaesyce hirta var. laeticincta Croizat , Chamaesyce hirta f. litoralis Hurus. , Chamaesyce pekinensis var. glaberrima (Koidz.) Makino & Nemoto , Chamaesyce pilulifera var. glaberrima (Koidz.) H.Hara , Euphorbia hirta var. destituta L.C.Wheeler , Euphorbia hirta var. glaberrima Koidz. , Euphorbia pilulifera var. arechavaletae Herter , Euphorbia pilulifera var. discolor Engelm. , Euphorbia pilulifera var. glabrescens Thell. , Euphorbia pilulifera var. guaranitica Chodat & Hassl. , Euphorbia pilulifera var. hirta (L.) Thell. , Euphorbia pilulifera var. hirta (L.) Griseb. , Euphorbia pilulifera f. humifusa Domin , Euphorbia pilulifera var. obliterata (Jacq.) Hitchc. , Euphorbia pilulifera f. rubromaculata Domin , Euphorbia pilulifera f. viridis Domin
Phytoconstituents: Euphorbon, euphosterol, camphol, leucocyanidol, xanthorhamnin, taraxerol, taraxerone, myricitrin, euphorbianin and others.
Uses: The whole plant is decocted for athlete’s foot, dysentery, enteritis, fever, gas, itch, and skin conditions. It is also regarded as anodyne, depurative, diuretic, lactogogue, purgative, and vermifuge. The plant is used for asthma, bronchitis, calculus, colic, cough, dyspnoea eruptions, excrescences, i nfluenza, fractures, gonorrhoea, headache, hypertension, measles, nausea, ophthalmia, sores, splinters, stomachache, tumours, urogenital ailments, warts and wounds. In Central Province of Papua New Guinea, the plant is boiled and the solution is taken by patients who pass blood in the urine. The Chinese use the plant to treat fever, dysentery and skin
conditions. In the Philippines and Indonesia, the plant is used to treat bowel problems. The latex is used on warts and abscesses. [A Guide to Medicinal Plants An Illustrated, Scientific and Medicinal Approach]
Activities: Aldose-Reductase-Inhibitor, Amebicide, Analgesic, Anthelmintic, Antiaggregant, Antiallergic, Anticancer, Anticonvulsant, Antidiabetic, Antidiarrheal, Antiedemic, Antiemetic, Antifertility, Antihistaminic, Antiinflammatory, Antileukemic, Antimalarial, Antiplasmodial, Antiplatelet, Antiprostaglandin, Antiseptic, Antispasmodic, Antiviral, Anxiolytic, Aphrodisiac, Astringent, Bactericide, Bronchodilator, Bronchorelaxant, Carcinogenic, Cardiodepressant, Cicatrizant, Curare, Cytotoxic, Diuretic,, Emetic, Expectorant, Febrifuge, Gram-icide, Gram-icide, Hemostat, Hydragogue, Hypoglycemic, Hypotensive, Immunosuppressive, Insecticide, Irritant, Lactagogue, Laxative, Litholytic, Mastogenic, Molluscacide, Myorelaxant, Narcotic, Oxytocic, Parasiticide, Plasmodicide, Purgative, Respirodepressant, Respirostimulant, Sedative, Stimulant, Vulnerary . [Duke's Handbook of Medicinal Plants of Latin America]
Pectoral, antiasthmatic, antispasmodic. Used for asthma, laryngitis, chronic nasal and bronchial catarrh; diarrhoea, dysentery, intestinal parasitosis Also used in postnatal complaints, failure of lactation. Latex— vermifuge. Used in diseases of urinogenitory tract. [Indian Medicinal Plants An Illustrated Dictionary]
Uses: In Indonesia, the latex is used to treat ringworm infection and heal wounds. A decoction of this herb is used to treat asthma and assuage bronchial discomfort. The leaves are chewed to facilitate abortion, and the flowers are used to treat barrenness. In Malaysia, the latex is used to treat diseased eyes, heal wounds and soothe bruises. A decoction consisting of about 70 g of the fresh herb is drunk to promote urination, stop dysentery, remove blood from urine, assuage urethral pain and treat asthma. The plant is applied externally to treat dermatitis, eczema and irritated skin. A paste is used to soothe sores, and heal boils. In the Philippines, the leaves are mixed with those of Datura metel L. to make cigarettes which are smoked treat asthma. The plant is used to check bleeding, to calm a person, and stimulate the secretion of sweat. In Vietnam, Euphorbia hirta L. is used to stop dysentery. The dried entire Euphorbia hirta L. (Euphorbia, British Pharmaceutical Codex, 1954) was used in Britain in the form of a liquid extract (Euphorbia Liquid Extract, British Pharmaceutical Codex, 1949) in the treatment of cough or asthma. [Medicinal Plants of The Aisa-Pacific: Drugs for The Future?]
229 Published articles of Euphorbia hirta