Family: Anacardiaceae
Synonyms: Cotinus arenarius FABarkley, Cotinus cinemas (Engl.) FABarkley, Cotinus coriarius Duhamel, Cotinus cotinus (L.) Sarg., Cotinus ellipticus Raf., Cotinus velutinus (Engl.) F.A.Barkley, Rhus cotinus L., Rhus laevis Wall, ex G.Don, Rhus velutina Wall, ex G. Don
Vernacular names:

Czech: Ruj vlasatá
Danish: Parykbusk
German: Perückenstrauch
French: Arbre à boucane, Arbre à perruque, Arbre à perruques, Barbe de Jupiter, Coquecigrue, Fustet, Fustot, Sumac fustet
Hornjoserbsce: Wšědny parukownik
Hrvatski: Rujevina
Ossetian: Тырымылы
Italian: Europinis pūkenis, Albero della nebbia, Scotano, Sommaco selvatico.
Hungarian: Cserszömörce
Dutch: Pruikenboom
Polish: Perukowiec podolski
Russian: Скумпия кожевенная
Ukrainian: Скумпія звичайна
Chinese: 黄栌
Greek: Κότινος ο κογγύγριος
Esperanto: Eŭrazia kotino
Japanese: カスミノキ kasuminoki, 霞 の木 kasumi no ki, かすみ)の木 kasumi no ki, 煙の木 Kemuri no ki, ケムリノキ Kemurinoki, けむりのき Kemuri no ki, 白熊 の木 Shirokuma no ki, はぐまの木 Wa guma no ki, スモークツリー Sumōkutsurī.
Spanish : Árbol de las pelucas, Árbol de las pelugas, Árbol de la niebla, Árbol del humo, Fustete, Plumeros, Rus cotino, Zumaque cabelludo.
Swedish : Perukbuske.
Turkish : Duman Ağacı, Peruka Çalısı.
Perennial, 1 to 5 m high, glabrous. Drupes cordate to reniform, 4-4.5 x 2.6-3 mm. Surface reticulate, fine ribbed and veinous, reddish-brown. 2n = 30.
It is an ornamental tree of temperate Asian countries, the crown of which display a magnificent red color in autumn. The stems are smooth and terete, and the wood is yellowish. Leaves: simple, without stipules and spiral. The petiole is 1 cm–3 cm long. The blade is obovate-oblong, rigid, and 5cm× 3 cm–6 cm × 4 cm. The margin is entire and wavy. The inflorescences are terminal and lax panicles.The flowers are 1mm long, and held by pedicels covered with very small purplish hairs. Presence of fisetin, disulphuretin, sulphuretin, sulphurein, gallic acid, methyl gallate and pentagalloyl glucose, which are known to occur in this plant. [Medicinal Plants of the Asia-Pacific: Drugs For The Future?]
Producing Allergic Contact Dermatitis [Handbook of Poisonous and Injurious Plants]
It is an ornamental tree of temperate Asian countries, the crown of which display a magnificent red color in autumn. The stems are smooth and terete, and the wood is yellowish. Leaves: simple, without stipules and spiral. The petiole is 1 cm–3 cm long. The blade is obovate-oblong, rigid, and 5cm× 3 cm–6 cm × 4 cm. The margin is entire and wavy. The inflorescences are terminal and lax panicles.The flowers are 1mm long, and held by pedicels covered with very small purplish hairs. Presence of fisetin, disulphuretin, sulphuretin, sulphurein, gallic acid, methyl gallate and pentagalloyl glucose, which are known to occur in this plant. [Medicinal Plants of the Asia-Pacific: Drugs For The Future?]
Producing Allergic Contact Dermatitis [Handbook of Poisonous and Injurious Plants]
74 Published articles of Cotinus coggygria