Family: Combretaceae
Synonyms: Anogeissus latifolia (Roxb.) Bedd., Conocarpus niloticus Delile ex Steud.
English: Golden wattle
Arabic: دمس سناني
Description: Evergreen trees, 3-8 m tall; bark dark brown furrowed in older stems. Leaves are modified into sickle shaped leathery phyllodes, 9-15 cm long and 1-3.5 cm wide. Floral heads globose, creamy white or yellow, 5-10mm in diameter, are produced in 30-40cm long drooping panicles from leaf axils. Flowers pentamerous. Exotic species; cultivated along road sides by forest department.
Published articles on Conocarpus lancifolius:
1. Antioxidant, P.a.A.A., and Total Phenolic and Flavonoid Contents of Conocarpus lancifolius (Combretaceae) Saadullah, Malik, B.A. Chaudary, and M. Uzair, Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2016. 15(3): p. 555-561.
2. Antioxidant, p.a.a.a., and total phenolic and flavonoid contents of Conocarpus lancifolius (Combretaceae) Malik, Saadullah, B.A. Chaudary, and U. Muhammad, Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2016. 15(3): p. 555-561.
3. Using of some wastes in improving water holding capacity of sandy soil and growth of Conocarpus lancifolius Engl. seedlings Ali, B.A.A. and H.A. Ali, Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science, 2015. 10(7): p. 288-293.
4. Effects of UV-B on photosynthetic parameters, l.p., flavonoids and growth traits of Conocarpus lancifolius (Engl.) Suleman, P., et al., American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences, 2014. 9(1): p. 55-63.
5. Antidiabetic potential of Conocarpus lancifolius Saadullah, M., et al., Bangladesh Journal of Pharmacology, 2014. 9(2): p. 244-249.
6. Modulation of micronutrients and antioxidants defenses in Conocarpus lancifolius under abiotic stress Redha, A., R. Al-Hasan, and M. Afzal, Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 2014. 12(3/4): p. 312-319.
7. Antidiabetic potential of Conocarpus lancifolius Malik, S., et al., Bangladesh Journal of Pharmacology, 2014. 9(2): p. 244-249.
8. The allelopathic potential of Conocarpus lancifolius (Engl.) leaves on dicot (Vigna sinensis L.), M.Z.m.L.a.s.-B.p.f.A.-S., A. H., et al., American Journal of Plant Sciences, 2014. 5(19): p. 2889-2903.
9. In-vitro Antibacterial Activities of Different Extracts from Conocarpus lancifolius Engl. against Some Clinical Pathogens Ali, H.M., et al., Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 2014. 8(Sp. Iss. SI): p. 221-226.
10. Possibility of using Conocarpus lancifolius Engl. in remediation of some Iraqi soils polluted by crude oil Ali, B.A.A. and H.H. Ali, Advances in Bio Research, 2014. 5(1): p. 185-190.
11. Resistance of Conocarpus lancifolius Engl. to different levels of salinity and water supply Ali, B.A.A., Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science, 2014. 9(6): p. 211-215.
12. Temperature-induced changes of malondialdehyde, ., Patrice, et al., Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2013. 35(4): p. 1223-1231.
13. Conocarpus lancifolius biochemical responses to variable UV-B irradiation Redha, A., et al., Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 2013. 48: p. 157-162.
14. In-vitro Antibacterial Activities of Alkaloids Extract from Leaves of Conocarpus lancifolius Engl Ali, H.M., M.Z.M. Salem, and A. Abdel-Megeed, Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 2013. 7(3): p. 1903-1907.
15. Responses of Conocarpus lancifolius to environmental stress: a case study in the semi-arid land of Kuwait Redha, A., et al., Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany, 2012. 81: p. 181-190.
16. Drought, s.a.t.i.r.t.p.i.C.l.R., A., et al., Journal of Food Agriculture & Environment, 2012. 10(2): p. 1320-1325.
17. Modulation of antioxidant defenses in Conocarpus lancifolius under variable abiotic stress Redha, A., et al., Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 2012. 43: p. 80-86.
18. Leaf traits and histochemistry of trichomes of Conocarpus lancifolius a Combretaceae in semi-arid conditions Redha, A., et al., American Journal of Plant Sciences, 2011. 2(2): p. 165-174.
19. The Use of Conocarpus lancifolius Trees for the Remediation of Oil-Contaminated Soils Al-Surrayai, T., et al., Soil & Sediment Contamination, 2009. 18(3): p. 354-368.
20. Mulch application improves survival but not growth of Acacia ampliceps Maslin, A.n.L.D.a.C.l.L.o.a.s.s.i.s.P.A., R., et al., International Forestry Review, 2001. 3(2): p. 158-163.
21. A note on anatomical, p.a.m.p.o.C.l.E.w.M., Iqbal and G.M. Nasir, Pakistan Journal of Forestry, 1991. 41(4): p. 218-221.
22. Pulping characteristics of Leucaena leucocephala and Conocarpus lancifolius from Sudan Khristova, P., S. Gabir, and T. Semov, Tropical Science, 1988. 28(1): p. 1-4.
23. Leaf spot of Conocarpus lancifolius Castellani, E., G. Gullino, and M.I. Mohamed, Rivista di Agricoltura Subtropicale e Tropicale, 1983. 77(4): p. 509-514.
24. Conocarpus lancifolius and its possibilities in the Sudan Bosshard, W.C. and G.B.v. Wendorff, Pamphlet. Forest Research Education Project, Forestry Department, Sudan, 1966(18): p. 28-28.
25. Conocarpus lancifolius Engler in Somaliland Protectorate Boaler, S.B., Empire Forest Rev, 1959. 38((4)): p. 371-379.
26. Conocarpus lancifolius Engl. long dash An interesting Somaliland tree Howes, F.N., Kew Bull, 1952. 1951((3)): p. 323-324.
27. Conocarpus lancifolius Engl. - an interesting Somaliland tree Howes, F.N., Kew Bulletin, 1951. 3: p. 323-4.
2. Antioxidant, p.a.a.a., and total phenolic and flavonoid contents of Conocarpus lancifolius (Combretaceae) Malik, Saadullah, B.A. Chaudary, and U. Muhammad, Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2016. 15(3): p. 555-561.
3. Using of some wastes in improving water holding capacity of sandy soil and growth of Conocarpus lancifolius Engl. seedlings Ali, B.A.A. and H.A. Ali, Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science, 2015. 10(7): p. 288-293.
4. Effects of UV-B on photosynthetic parameters, l.p., flavonoids and growth traits of Conocarpus lancifolius (Engl.) Suleman, P., et al., American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences, 2014. 9(1): p. 55-63.
5. Antidiabetic potential of Conocarpus lancifolius Saadullah, M., et al., Bangladesh Journal of Pharmacology, 2014. 9(2): p. 244-249.
6. Modulation of micronutrients and antioxidants defenses in Conocarpus lancifolius under abiotic stress Redha, A., R. Al-Hasan, and M. Afzal, Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 2014. 12(3/4): p. 312-319.
7. Antidiabetic potential of Conocarpus lancifolius Malik, S., et al., Bangladesh Journal of Pharmacology, 2014. 9(2): p. 244-249.
8. The allelopathic potential of Conocarpus lancifolius (Engl.) leaves on dicot (Vigna sinensis L.), M.Z.m.L.a.s.-B.p.f.A.-S., A. H., et al., American Journal of Plant Sciences, 2014. 5(19): p. 2889-2903.
9. In-vitro Antibacterial Activities of Different Extracts from Conocarpus lancifolius Engl. against Some Clinical Pathogens Ali, H.M., et al., Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 2014. 8(Sp. Iss. SI): p. 221-226.
10. Possibility of using Conocarpus lancifolius Engl. in remediation of some Iraqi soils polluted by crude oil Ali, B.A.A. and H.H. Ali, Advances in Bio Research, 2014. 5(1): p. 185-190.
11. Resistance of Conocarpus lancifolius Engl. to different levels of salinity and water supply Ali, B.A.A., Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science, 2014. 9(6): p. 211-215.
12. Temperature-induced changes of malondialdehyde, ., Patrice, et al., Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2013. 35(4): p. 1223-1231.
13. Conocarpus lancifolius biochemical responses to variable UV-B irradiation Redha, A., et al., Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 2013. 48: p. 157-162.
14. In-vitro Antibacterial Activities of Alkaloids Extract from Leaves of Conocarpus lancifolius Engl Ali, H.M., M.Z.M. Salem, and A. Abdel-Megeed, Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 2013. 7(3): p. 1903-1907.
15. Responses of Conocarpus lancifolius to environmental stress: a case study in the semi-arid land of Kuwait Redha, A., et al., Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany, 2012. 81: p. 181-190.
16. Drought, s.a.t.i.r.t.p.i.C.l.R., A., et al., Journal of Food Agriculture & Environment, 2012. 10(2): p. 1320-1325.
17. Modulation of antioxidant defenses in Conocarpus lancifolius under variable abiotic stress Redha, A., et al., Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 2012. 43: p. 80-86.
18. Leaf traits and histochemistry of trichomes of Conocarpus lancifolius a Combretaceae in semi-arid conditions Redha, A., et al., American Journal of Plant Sciences, 2011. 2(2): p. 165-174.
19. The Use of Conocarpus lancifolius Trees for the Remediation of Oil-Contaminated Soils Al-Surrayai, T., et al., Soil & Sediment Contamination, 2009. 18(3): p. 354-368.
20. Mulch application improves survival but not growth of Acacia ampliceps Maslin, A.n.L.D.a.C.l.L.o.a.s.s.i.s.P.A., R., et al., International Forestry Review, 2001. 3(2): p. 158-163.
21. A note on anatomical, p.a.m.p.o.C.l.E.w.M., Iqbal and G.M. Nasir, Pakistan Journal of Forestry, 1991. 41(4): p. 218-221.
22. Pulping characteristics of Leucaena leucocephala and Conocarpus lancifolius from Sudan Khristova, P., S. Gabir, and T. Semov, Tropical Science, 1988. 28(1): p. 1-4.
23. Leaf spot of Conocarpus lancifolius Castellani, E., G. Gullino, and M.I. Mohamed, Rivista di Agricoltura Subtropicale e Tropicale, 1983. 77(4): p. 509-514.
24. Conocarpus lancifolius and its possibilities in the Sudan Bosshard, W.C. and G.B.v. Wendorff, Pamphlet. Forest Research Education Project, Forestry Department, Sudan, 1966(18): p. 28-28.
25. Conocarpus lancifolius Engler in Somaliland Protectorate Boaler, S.B., Empire Forest Rev, 1959. 38((4)): p. 371-379.
26. Conocarpus lancifolius Engl. long dash An interesting Somaliland tree Howes, F.N., Kew Bull, 1952. 1951((3)): p. 323-324.
27. Conocarpus lancifolius Engl. - an interesting Somaliland tree Howes, F.N., Kew Bulletin, 1951. 3: p. 323-4.