Acacia horrida (L.) Willd. (as per Plantlist)
Family: Fabaceae / Leguminosae
New Name
Vachellia horrida (L.) Kyal. & Boatwr (as per wikipedia)
Family: Fabaceae
- German: Schreckliche Akazie
- Persian: واچلیا هریدا
- Malayalam: ആനമുള്ള്
- Telugu: పాకీ తుమ్మ Pakitumma
Description: Deciduous shrubs; 2-4 m tall. Leaves bipinnate-compound, 2-4 cm long, pinnae2-6 pairs, leaflets 6-10 pairs, each 3-4 × 1-2mm, elliptic, obtuse; a small gland on the primary rachis in between base and first pair of pinnae; a pair of white stipular thorns on either side of the leaf base, spines hollow, 2-8 cm long, base 0.5-0.8cm in diam.. Flowers 2-3 mm, creamy white, on 2-3cm long axillary pedunculate fasciculate spikes. Calyx 2 mm; lobes ovate, apex acute. Corolla creamy white, 2-3 mm; lobes ovate-elliptic. Stamens many, free, exerted. Ovary glabrous, few ovuled; style as long as stamens. Pods 2-3 × 1cm, reniform, blackish brown with 2-4 seeds.
Habitat & location: Common in scrub jungles.During the summer the plant is naked with sharp long spines only.
Uses: The leaves are used as forage; the spines are used to make necklaces by tribals. Dried stems are used as fuel.
3 Published articles of Acacia horrida