Clerodendrum serratum (Linn.) Moon
Family: Verbenaceae
- Sanskrit: Bharangi
- Assamese: Phelang Riho
- Bengali : Bamun Hatee, Baman hatee, Bhuijam
- Chinese: 齿叶赪桐
- Gujarati. : Bharangee
- Hindi: Bharangee
- Kannada : Gantubarangee
- Malayalam: Cheruteku
- Marathi: Bharangee भरंगी, Bharang
- Oriya: Chinds
- Punjabi : Bhadangee
- Sinhalese: Kenhenda
- Tamil: Cheruteku சிறு தேக்கு
- Telulug: Gantu bharangi గంటు భరంగి, Bommala marri బొమ్మల మర్రి
- Urdu: Bharangi, Baharangi
Description: Shrubs 1-4 m tall. Branchlets densely yellow pubescent especially on nodes when young, becoming dark brown to gray-yellow and glabrous. Leaves opposite or in threes; petiole to 5 cm or leaf subsessile; leaf blade oblong, obovate-oblong, elliptic, or ovate, 6-30 2.5-11 cm, papery, pubescent, margin subentire to serrulate or sparsely coarse serrate, apex acuminate to acute; veins 10 or 11 pairs, abaxially prominent. Inflorescences terminal thyrses, densely yellow-brown pubescent, cymes sometimes monochasial; bracts sessile, ovate to broadly ovate, 1.5-4.5 0.5-1.8 cm, pubescent; bractlets lanceolate to ovate. Calyx ca. 5 mm, truncate to minutely 5-dentate, pubescent. Corolla white, bluish, or purplish, tube ca. 7 mm; lobes oblong to obovate, 6-12 mm. Stamens ca. 2-4 cm, long exserted, base pubescent. Ovary glabrous. Style long exserted. Drupes green when young, becoming black, subglobose. Fl. and fr. Jun-Dec.
Ayurvedic uses: Gulma, jvara, svasa, kasa, yakshma, pinasa, shotha, hikka, rakta dosha (API, Part-1, Vol-III)
Antispasmolytic, expectorant, carminative [Medicinal Plants Kerala Ag University]
Inflorescences are boiled or cooked with curry in India. Young infl orescences with unexpanded fl owers are eaten as lalab, side dish with rice in Indonesia. [Edible Medicinal and Non-Medicinal Plants Vol-8]
Root—Antiasthmatic, antihistaminic, antispasmodic, antitussive carminative, febrifuge. Leaf—febrifuge. [Indian Medicinal Plants An Illustrated Dictionary]
The root of this shrub is used for catarrhal ailments. In certain parts of India it is believed to be very effective for malarial fevers. The seeds bruised and boiled in butter milk are given as aperient and for dropsy. [Medicinal Plants (Indigenous and Exotic) Used in Ceylon]
Antispasmolytic, expectorant, carminative [Medicinal Plants Kerala Ag University]
Inflorescences are boiled or cooked with curry in India. Young infl orescences with unexpanded fl owers are eaten as lalab, side dish with rice in Indonesia. [Edible Medicinal and Non-Medicinal Plants Vol-8]
Root—Antiasthmatic, antihistaminic, antispasmodic, antitussive carminative, febrifuge. Leaf—febrifuge. [Indian Medicinal Plants An Illustrated Dictionary]
The root of this shrub is used for catarrhal ailments. In certain parts of India it is believed to be very effective for malarial fevers. The seeds bruised and boiled in butter milk are given as aperient and for dropsy. [Medicinal Plants (Indigenous and Exotic) Used in Ceylon]
37 published articles of Clerodendrum serratum