Family: Lauraceae
Common name: Indian Bay Leaf, Indian cassia, Tamala cassia, Indian bark
- Arabic: zarnab ساذج هندي
- Assamese: Mahpat, তেজপাত Tejpat
- Bengali: তেজপাত Tejpat
- Burmese: Thitchabo
- Catalan: Malabathrum
- Chinese: 辣皮树
- Danish: Indisk Laurbærblad
- Esperanto: Hinda cinamomo
- Finnish: Kanelilaakeri
- German: Indisches Lorbeerblatt
- Gujarati: તમાલપત્ર Tamaal patra
- Hindi: तेजपत्ता tejpatta
- Hungarian: Indiai babérlevél
- Japanese: タマラニッケイ
- Kannada: Patraka
- Latin: Folia Malabathri
- Lithuanian: Indinis cinamonas
- Malayalam: തമാലപത്രമ് Tamalapatram
- Manipuri: তেজপাত Tejpat
- Russian: Малабарская корица
- Sanskrit: तमालपत्र tamalapattra, Tvak patra
- Tamil: தாளிசபத்திரி Talishappattiri
- Telugu: తాళీసపత్రి, Talisapatri, Taalisa, పట్ట ఆకులు Patta akulu
- Thai: อบเชยต้น
- Urdu: तेज़पात Tezpat
- Vietnamese: ô duoc
Description: Trees, medium sized, up to 10 m tall; branchlets slender. Terminal bud small, sericeous, 2 bud scales. Leaves sub-opposite or spirally arranged, chartaceous to sub-coriaceous, glabrous in mature specimens, ovate, oblong to lanceolate, 2.5-8 x 7.5-25 cm, apex long acuminate, base acute; above smooth, the main nerves prominulous, below obscurely, densely minutely reticulate, midrib slender, prominent, basal nerves prominent, 4/5 or more of the lamina length, connected by faint, parallel secondary veins, 3-5 mm apart. Petiole slender, up to 1.5 cm long. Panicles axillary or pseudoterminal, slender, many-flowered, up to 10 cm long. Pedicels filiform, 4-8 mm long. Flower tuber short. Tepals oblong, 3-4 mm, inside sericeous. Stamens slightly shorter than the tepals; anthers oval, c. the filament length, 4-celled, of whorls 1 and 2 introrse, of whorl 3, the basal cells extrorse, the smaller upper ones latrorse; gland small, attached to the middle of the filaments. Staminodes as long as the stamens, hastate, long-stipitate. Style thickish, as long as the ovary; stigma small, peltate. Fruit slender, ellipsoid, acutish, up to 7 x 11 mm; cup obconical, fleshy, up to 5 mm high and 7 mm in diameter at the rim, the basal part obconical, merging into the, up to 8 mm long, obconical pedicel; 1-2 mm long basal part of the tepals in fruit hardened, persistent.
Ayurvedic uses: Arsha, aruchi, pinasa [API Vol-1]
Anorexia, hemorrhoids, cough and nausea [Compendia Of World's Medicinal Flora]
Used in Ayurveda. Bark analgesic, antibiotic, antiseptic, astringent, carminative, digestive, aromatic, emmenagogue, stimulant, stomachic, a decoction for complaints of colic, diarrhea and piles, coughs, diarrhea, gonorrhea, rheumatism, boils, itchings, conjunctivitis; stembark juice applied on teeth in tooth decay and toothache; dried bark used for stomachache, intestinal disorders and gonorrhea. Paste of stem bark applied on spondiloarthritis; bark and leaves for headache. Leaves carminative, digestive, aromatic, emmena gogue, stimulant, used in colic, diarrhea, dysentery, rheuma tism, scorpion sting; a decoction of leaves of Cinnamomum tamala with roots of Lasia spinosa given in rheumatism. [CRC World Dictionary of Medicinal and Poisonous Plants]
Leaf—Carminative, antidiarrhoeal, spasmolytic, antirheumatic, hypoglycaemic. Essential oil—fungicidal [Indian Medicinal Plants an Illustrated Dictionary]
Unani uses: Zof-e-Meda, Bakhrulfam Zof-e-Kabid, Ishal, Sual, Nazla, Zukam.
Ayurvedic uses: Arsha, aruchi, pinasa [API Vol-1]
Anorexia, hemorrhoids, cough and nausea [Compendia Of World's Medicinal Flora]
Used in Ayurveda. Bark analgesic, antibiotic, antiseptic, astringent, carminative, digestive, aromatic, emmenagogue, stimulant, stomachic, a decoction for complaints of colic, diarrhea and piles, coughs, diarrhea, gonorrhea, rheumatism, boils, itchings, conjunctivitis; stembark juice applied on teeth in tooth decay and toothache; dried bark used for stomachache, intestinal disorders and gonorrhea. Paste of stem bark applied on spondiloarthritis; bark and leaves for headache. Leaves carminative, digestive, aromatic, emmena gogue, stimulant, used in colic, diarrhea, dysentery, rheuma tism, scorpion sting; a decoction of leaves of Cinnamomum tamala with roots of Lasia spinosa given in rheumatism. [CRC World Dictionary of Medicinal and Poisonous Plants]
Leaf—Carminative, antidiarrhoeal, spasmolytic, antirheumatic, hypoglycaemic. Essential oil—fungicidal [Indian Medicinal Plants an Illustrated Dictionary]
Unani uses: Zof-e-Meda, Bakhrulfam Zof-e-Kabid, Ishal, Sual, Nazla, Zukam.
106 Published articles of Cinnamomum tamala