Family: Lamiaceae
Synonyms: Geniosporum discolor Baker, Ocimum anosurum Fenzl, Ocimum arborescens Bojer ex Benth., Ocimum caillei A.Chev., Ocimum dalabaense A.Chev., Ocimum febrifugum Lindl., Ocimum frutescens Mill., Ocimum gratissimum subsp. gratissimum, Ocimum gratissimum var. gratissimum, Ocimum gratissimum var. hildebrandtii Briq., Ocimum gratissimum var. mascarenarum Briq., Ocimum gratissimum var. suave (Willd.) Hook.f., Ocimum gratissimum var. subdentatum Briq., Ocimum guineense Schumach. & Thonn., Ocimum heptodon P.Beauv., Ocimum holosericeum J.F.Gmel., Ocimum paniculatum Bojer, Ocimum petiolare Lam., Ocimum robustum B.Heyne ex Hook.f., Ocimum sericeum Medik., Ocimum suave Willd., Ocimum suave var. distantidens Briq., Ocimum trichodon Baker ex Gürke, Ocimum urticifolium Roth, Ocimum villosum Weinm. , Ocimum viride Willd., Ocimum viridiflorum Roth, Ocimum zeylanicum Medik.
- Common name: Ram Tulsi, Wild Basil, African basil, clove basil, shrubby basil, tree basil
- Arabic: حبق بهيج
- Assamese: ৰাম তুলসী Ram tulsi
- Bengali: ৰাম তুলসী Ram tulsi
- Chinese: 丁香罗勒
- Hindi: राम तुलसी Ram tulsi, बन तुलसी Ban tulsi
- Indonesian: Selasih mekah
- Malayalam: കാട്ടുതുളസി kattu thulasi
- Manipuri: ৰাম তুলসী Ram tulsi
- Marathi: ajavala, राम तुलसी ramatulasi, tanatulasu
- Oriya: sondabhogohulono
- Persian: اسیموم گراتیسیموم
- Polish: Bazylia eugenolowa
- Russian: Базилик эвгенольный
- Sanskrit: ajaka, ajeka, bilvaparni, doshakleshi
- Tamil: elumichantulasi, peruntulasi, elumiccam tulaci
- Telugu: nimma tulasi, రామ తులసి rama tulasi
- Thai: ยี่หร่า
- Urdu: Tukhm faranjmushk
- Vietnamese: Hương nhu trắng
Description: Shrubs, 2 m high; stem glandular-scabrid. leaves elliptic to obovate, base attenuate serrate, acuminate at apex; nerves 6-pairs; thinly tomentose below; petiole to 6 cm long. Racemes terminal, panicled; bracts oblanceolate. Flowers 4-6 at each node; pedicel 4 mm long; calyx 5 mm long, glabrous; upper lip ovate, obtuse, lobes of lower lip acuminate, glandular; corolla white, tube 2-3 mm long, lobes obtuse; filaments glabrous or villous at base; anthers sagittate at base. Nutlets 1.5 x 1 mm, pitted, brown.
Leaves and whole herb bactericidal, anthelmintic, stimulant, local anesthetic, disinfectant, insecticide. Fresh leaf used as a carminative, to treat malaria, coughs, colds, abdominal pains, barrenness, stoach and dental problems; fresh leaves in teas for flu, fever, pneumonia; leaf juice put in the ear to cure earache, also given for cold and cough; leaves eaten raw for cough; infusion of dried leaves for worms. A root bark extract for curing eczema. Magic, ritual, a charm against evil spirits. [CRC World Dictionary of Medicinal and Poisonous Plants]
Used in neurological and rheumatic affections, in seminal weakness and in aphthae of children. Seed—used in ephalalgia
and neuralgia. Essential oil—antibacterial, antifungal. In homoeopathy, fresh mature leaves are used in constipation, cough, fever, nasal catarrh; also in gonorrhoea with difficult urination.[Indian Medicinal Plants An Illustrated Dictionary]
Therapeutic uses : The whole plant is used in treating sunstroke, headache and influenza. It is also considered to be diaphoretic. It is given in doses ranging from 6 to 12g per day, in the form of an inhalation or decoction. It serves also as material for the extraction of essential oil and cugcnol. Eugenol is used widely in odontology and for the synthesis of vanillin. [Medicinal Plants in Viet Nam]
Stem and Leaf: A tea is made from aerial parts of the plant to treat colds, especially chest colds, and to remedy pains of wind (flatulence) in the stomach. Leaf: Infusion for a sedative and antispasmodic. [Medicinal Plants of the Guianas (Guyana, Surinam, French Guiana) ]
Improves stomach function, blood circulation; alleviates pain, flu, headache. [Taiwanese Native Medicinal Plants]
Leaves and whole herb bactericidal, anthelmintic, stimulant, local anesthetic, disinfectant, insecticide. Fresh leaf used as a carminative, to treat malaria, coughs, colds, abdominal pains, barrenness, stoach and dental problems; fresh leaves in teas for flu, fever, pneumonia; leaf juice put in the ear to cure earache, also given for cold and cough; leaves eaten raw for cough; infusion of dried leaves for worms. A root bark extract for curing eczema. Magic, ritual, a charm against evil spirits. [CRC World Dictionary of Medicinal and Poisonous Plants]
Used in neurological and rheumatic affections, in seminal weakness and in aphthae of children. Seed—used in ephalalgia
and neuralgia. Essential oil—antibacterial, antifungal. In homoeopathy, fresh mature leaves are used in constipation, cough, fever, nasal catarrh; also in gonorrhoea with difficult urination.[Indian Medicinal Plants An Illustrated Dictionary]
Therapeutic uses : The whole plant is used in treating sunstroke, headache and influenza. It is also considered to be diaphoretic. It is given in doses ranging from 6 to 12g per day, in the form of an inhalation or decoction. It serves also as material for the extraction of essential oil and cugcnol. Eugenol is used widely in odontology and for the synthesis of vanillin. [Medicinal Plants in Viet Nam]
Stem and Leaf: A tea is made from aerial parts of the plant to treat colds, especially chest colds, and to remedy pains of wind (flatulence) in the stomach. Leaf: Infusion for a sedative and antispasmodic. [Medicinal Plants of the Guianas (Guyana, Surinam, French Guiana) ]
Improves stomach function, blood circulation; alleviates pain, flu, headache. [Taiwanese Native Medicinal Plants]
469 Published articles of Ocimum gratissimum