Family: Malvaceae / Tiliaceae
Synonyms: Grewia subinaequalis DC, Grewia vestita Wall.
Bengali: ফলসা phalasa
Chinese: 朴叶扁担杆
Filipino: bariuan-gulod
Khmer: pophlië
Lao (Sino-Tibetan): nhap
Thai: lai khon, po tao hai, yap khee thao
Vietnamese: c[of]-ke-[as], cò-ke-á
Gujarati: Shukri, ફાલસા phalsa
Hindi, Marathi: Phalsa फालसा
Kannada: Phulsha
Konkani: Phalsi
Malayalam: Chadicha, പരുഷകമരം parushakamaram
Marathi: पळशी palshi
oriya: Pharosakoli
Punjabi: ਫਾਲਸਾ falsa
Russian, Hill Mari, Komi: Фалса
Sanskrit: Mriduphal म्रदुफल, परूषकः paroushak
Sindhi: Pharaho
Tamil: Unnu, பலிசமரம் palicamaram
Telugu: Phutiki
Urdu: پهالسا falsa
Antioxidant Activity, Antidiabetic Activity, Radioprotective Activity, Hepatoprotective Activity, Antimicrobial Activity, In traditional folkloric medicine, the fruit has been used as astringent, stomachic and cooling agent. When unripe, it has been reported to alleviate infl ammation and was administered in respiratory, cardiac and blood disorders, as well as in fever. The fruit was also benefi cial food throat ailments. Root bark has been prescribed for rheumatism and its infusion used as a demulcent. The leaves were applied on skin eruptions. Seeds of G. asiatica has been used as antifertility agent and was reported to have anti-implantation and abortifacient activities. In traditional folkloric medicine in Bangladesh, Grewia asiatica plant is commonly used for gonorrhoea by the Garo tribe and local traditional healers in Madhupur and Tangail district. It is also used to treat lack of appetite, typhus, acidity, giddiness, diarrhoea, hypertension, stimulant, anorexia..In India, G. asiatica is also used for gonorrhoea and as astringent, demulcent, rheumatism, stomachic and tumour.
Fruit—stomachic, astringent, cooling. Bark—demulcent. Root bark—antirheumatic. Leaf— used in pastular eruptions. Thebark contains taraxasterol, betasitosterol, erythrodiol; lupeol, betulin, lupenone, friedelin; alpha-amyrin. The heartwood gave beta-sitosterol. Quercetin, kaempferol and their glycosides were also obtained from the leaves. Ripe fruits are rich in vitamin A and C; threonine, phosphoserine, serine and taurine are the dominant amino acids in the juice. The stem bark exhibited antifertility activity. [Indian Medicinal Plants An Illustrated Dictionary]
29 Published articles of Grewia asiatica