Family: Brassicaceae
Synonyms: Arabis heterophylla G.Forst. ex DC., Cardamine africana subsp. borbonica (Bojer) O.E. Schulz, Cardamine angulata Regel, Cardamine borbonica Bojer, Cardamine fagetina Schur, Cardamine humilis Kit., Cardamine micrantha Spenn., Cardamine multicaulis Hoppe ex Schur, Cardamine parviflora Suter, Cardamine praecox Pall. ex Ledeb., Cardamine scutata var. formosana (Hayata) T.S.Liu & S.S.Ying, Cardamine scutata var. rotundiloba (Hayata) T.S.Liu & S.S.Ying, Cardamine simensis Hochst. ex Oliv., Cardamine tenella E.D.Clarke, Cardamine tetrandra Hegetschw., Cardamine umbrosa Andrz. ex DC., Cardamine virginica Michx., Crucifera cardamine E.H.L.Krause, Ghinia hirsuta (L.) Bubani, Ghinia sylvatica Bubani
Common name: Hairy Bitter Cress, Lamb's Cress, Land Cress, Hoary Bitter Cress
Arabic: حرف زغبي
Azerbaijani: Kələkötür ürəkotu
Chinese: 碎米荠
Dutch: Kleine veldkers
Estonian: Kare jürilill
Finnish: Mäkilitukka
French: Cardamine hérissée, Cresson de muraille
German: Behaartes Schaumkraut
Italian: Billeri primaticcio
Japanese: ミチタネツケバナ
Manipuri: উচী হংগাম Uchi hangam
Polish: Rzeżucha włochata
Swedish: Bergbräsma
Welsh: Berwr chwerw blewog
Description: Annual herb, 10-30 cm tall, erect, often with a basal rosette of leaves only and a slender tap root. Basal leaves 2-7-jugate, 2-10 cm long, 1-2.5 cm broad, glabrous or hairy with simple hairs; leaflets ovate-orbicular, except the terminal one which is slightly larger and subreniform, shortly stalked, subsessile to sessile, very variable in size, subentire to irregularly few lobulate and toothed, usually 6-10 mm in diam. Racemes 10-30-flowered, up to 10 cm long in fruit. Sepals 2-2.5 mm long. Petals c. 3 mm long, usually not or hardly exceeding the sepals (very rarely suppressed). Stamens 6, rarely 4 (the outer 2 abortive ), c. 2: 2.5 mm long. Siliquae linear, compressed, 15-25 mm long, 1 mm broad, straight, glabrous ; valves smooth with a faint mid-vein; style almost absent to 0.5 mm long with a capitate stigma; septum not veined; seeds many, c. 1 mm long.
Uses: In Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia, Cardamine hirsuta L. is used to stop dysentery and to treat eye trouble. Note that the leaves are eaten in salads. [Medicinal Plants: Drugs For The Future? ]