Family: Lamiaceae
An erect strongly-scented tomentose shrub, 2-5ft. Branches obscurely angled. Leaves coriaceous, thick, shortly stalked, oblong or lanceolate. 2-4 by f-ljin., crenate, base prolonged downwards in 2 pointed lobes ; upper surface pubescent, closely w r rinkled ; lower white tomentose. Flowers small white in large whorls crowded in erect tomentose, 4-sided, often paniculate spikes; spikes with woody bracts in fruit (Kanjilal) ; floral leaves small, bract-like sessile ovate, overlapping. Calyx tubular-ovoid, 2-lipped ; upper lip concave, entire, lower 2-toothed. Corolla-tube as long as the Calyx. Stamens 2, anthers protruding (Collett). Nutlets obovoid, smooth brown. [Indian Medicinal Plants, Part-II (1918)]