Family: Rosaceae
Synonyms: Argentina supina (L.) Lam., Chamaephyton supinum (L.) Fourr., Comarum flavum Buch.-Ham. ex Roxb., Comarum supinum (L.) Alef., Fragaria supina (L.) Crantz, Potentilla cicutariifolia Willd., Potentilla denticulata Wall., Potentilla gariepensis E.Mey. ex Harv., Potentilla gariepensis E.Mey. [Spelling variant], Potentilla garipensis E.Mey., Potentilla limosa (Boenn.) Zimmeter, Potentilla obovata Bertol., Potentilla prostrata Haenke ex Pohl, Potentilla supina var. egibbosa Th.Wolf, Potentilla supina var. elatior Lehm., Potentilla supina var. paradoxa (Nutt. ex Torr. & A.Gray) Th.Wolf, Potentilla supina var. supina, Potentilla supina subsp. supina, Tridophyllum supinum (L.) Greene
English: spreading cinquefoil
Arabic: زغلول (زَغْلول)، زغلولى (زَغْلولى)
Chinese: 朝天委陵菜 , chao tian wei ling cai
Dutch: Liggende ganzerik
Finnish: Rentohanhikki
French: Potentille couchée
German: Liegendes Fingerkraut
Hindi: Ratanjoth
Herbs annual or biennial. Roots slender, with sparse lateral rootlets. Flowering stems spreading, ascending, or erect, dichotomously branched, 20–50 cm tall, together with petioles pilose or glabrescent. Radical leaves 4–15 cm including petiole; stipules brown, membranous, abaxially pilose or glabrescent; leaf blade 3-foliolate or pinnate with 2–5 pairs of leaflets; leaflets alternate or opposite, sessile, or terminal leaflet shortly petiolulate or subsessile, both surfaces green, oblong or obovate-oblong, 1–2.5 × 0.5–1.5 cm, both surfaces pilose or glabrescent, base cuneate or broadly so, often decurrent and adnate to rachis in apical 1 or 2 pairs of leaflets, margin obtusely serrate, incised serrate, or 2- or 3-parted, apex obtuse or acute; cauline leaves resembling radical ones but pairs of leaflets fewer higher up stem; stipules green, herbaceous, margin entire, serrate, or parted. Inflorescence terminal, corymbose-cymose, with axillary flowers on lower part of flowering stem. Flowers 6–8 mm in diam.; pedicel 0.8–1.5 cm, densely pubescent. Sepals triangular-ovate, apex acute; epicalyx segments oblong-elliptic or elliptic-lanceolate, nearly equaling or slightly longer than sepals, apex acute. Petals yellow, obovate, slightly shorter than sepals, apex emarginate. Style subterminal, base thickened, papillate; stigma dilated. Achenes cylindric, rugose, apex acut.
Uses: Decoction of flowers and fruits in fever. Roots tonic, febrifuge, astringent, given in fever.
13 published articles of Potentilla supina