Family: Euphorbiaceae

Afrikaans : Purgeerboontjie.
Arabic : Dand barrî (Egypt), Dand e barri (Iran), Dand e nahri (Iran), Hhabb el mulûk (Egypt), Habb el meluk.
Bengali : ভ্যারেন্ডা Bharenda, Bag-bherenda, Erandagachh.

Dutch : Purgeernoot.
English : Barbados nut, Barbados nut tree, Bed bug plant, Big purge nut, Black vomit nut, Brazilian stinging nut, Bubble bush, Cuban physic nut, Curcas bean, Fig nut, Physic nut, Pig nut, Poison nut, Purgenut, Purging nut, Purging nut tree, Wild castor (India).
French : Bagani (Mali), Fève d'enfer (Caribbean Islands), Grand médicinier, Grand pignon d'Inde, Gros ricin,
Herbe du bon dieu (Caribbean Islands), Herbe du diable (Caribbean Islands), Mancenillier béni (Caribbean Islands), Médicinier, Médicinier barrière, Médicinier béni (Caribbean Islands), Médicinier bénit (Haiti), Médicinier des Barbades, Médsynié baryè (corrupted Creole), Médsynié blan (corrupted Creole), Noix américaine (Caribbean Islands), Noix de Barbarie, Noix des Barbades, Noix médicinale, Pignon de Barbarie, Pignon des Barbades, Pignon d'Inde, Plante bouteille, Purghère, Pourghère (Mali), Ricin d'Amérique, Tuteur de vanille.
German : Purgiernuß, Purgiernußbaum, Schwarzelrechnuß.
Hindi : Jangli arandi.
Italian : Fagiolo d'India, Fagiolo di Barberia, Fava purgatrice, Noci di purging, Ricino maggiore.
Japanese : ヤ トロファ・クルカス Yatorofa kurukasu.
Marathi : Ratanjyot.
Nepalese : Baghandi, Bathi bal, Hattikane, Nirguni, Sajiba, Sajiva, Sajiyon, Saruva.
Portuguese : Andythygnaco (Brazil), Figo-do-inferno (Brazil), Grão das ilhas Molucas, Grão das Molucas, Jetrofa da Índia, Mandubiguaçú (Brazil), Manduigaçu (Brazil), Mandubi-guaçú, Manduri-graça, Pinhão bravo, Pinhão da Índia, Pinhão-depurga (Brazil), Pinhão-de-cerca (Brazil), Pinhão-de-purga, Pinhão-do-Paraguay, Pinhão-manso, Pinhão-paraguaio (Brazil), Pinheiro-de-purga, Pinheiro-do-inferno, Pulguiera (Cape Verde), Purgante-de-cavalo (Brazil), Purgueira, Purgueirav (Brazil), Ricino-maior, Semente de purgueira.
Russian : Ятрофа Iatrofa, Ятрофа ядовитая Iatrofa iadovitaia.
Sinhalese : Kaddamanakku.
Spanish : Arbol de los pinones de Indias, Arbol santo, Avellanes purgantes (Mexico), Frailecillo (Colombia), Frailejón, Piñón (Dominican Republic), Piñón blanco, Piñón botija (Cuba, Dominican Republic), Piñón de purga (Colombia), Purga de fraile (Colombia), Piñon de tempate, Piñón grande, Piñoncillo (Colombia), Sangregaod (Mexico), Tártago (Puerto Rico), Tempate.
Swahili : Mbono (Tanzania), Mbono kaburi (Tanzania).
Tagalog : Tubang bakod.
Tamil : Kadalamanakku, Kattamanakku.
Telugu: అడవి ఆముదము Adavi amudam, Cheemanepalam, Chettunepalam, Tella Dunnangi, Erriandepuchettu, Pedda amudam, Jammadi
Thai : Ma yao, Sabu dam, Salot dam, Salot yai, Si lot.
Turkish : Mashal hind fıstığı ağaçı, Kurkas.
Vernacular names in various languages: Aborotortor, Abrortortor, Adadze, Adalai, Adaluharalu, Adaviyamudamu, Akakgachha, Akhuparnika, Angular Leaved Physic Nut, Angular Physic Nut, Arari, Arbol Santo, Aren, Aril, Arin, Avellana Purgante, Babatsi, Bagani, Bagberenda, Baghandi, Baigab, Baigoba, Barane, Barbados Nut, Barbasco, Bettadaharalu, Bhernda, Binidazougou, Binidazugu, Bolongcauit, Bon-Bheranda, Bondoc Mous’heil, Bongalibhotora, Borbandong, Bubble Bush, Casla, Common Physic Nut, Coquillo, Coquito, Cotoncillo, Cuipu, Curcas Bean, Dande Barri, Dande Nahri, Dekiro, Desya, Dhuching, Djarak Goondool, Ehanduejot, Erandagchherond, Erundi, Feuilles Médicinier, Figo do Inferno, Flor de Coral, Frailecillo, Frailejón, Gab Bherenda, Galamark, Gara, Grand Haricor du Peru, Grand Médicinier, Grao Maluco, Grave Physic Nut, Gros Ricin, Gwo Ricen, Gyagar Desya, Haricot du Pérou, Herbe du Bon Dieu, Higos del Duende, Higuereta, Huiso Pionis, Inhlakuva, Inkoko, Irundi, Jadabindi, Jahazigaaba, Jamalgota, Jangliarandi, Jangli Erandi, Japhotra, Jaquillo, Jarak, Jarak Bělanda, Jarakblanda, Jarak Buděg, Jarak China, Jarak Gundul, Jarak Iri, Jarak Kafiri, Jarak Kěling, Jarak Kosta, Jarak Mělaka, Jarak Pagar, Jarak Pegěr, Jarak Puteh, Jarak Wolanda, Jepal, Jirak, Josho Pionis, Kaak Avenako, Kadaharalu, Kadalamanakku, Kadalambudu, Kadalavanakka, Kadam, Kaderadi, Kadim, Kanana Eranda, Kananda Eranda, Kaneadua, Karnocchi, Katamanak, Kattamanak, Kattamanakku, Kattavanakku, Kesugi, Kidi, Kilembelembe, Kinampotsi, Kinidazougou, Kitigblaicho, Kizika, Kourkas, Kplukacho, Kulabindadaru, Kulaiaradaru, Kulejera, Kwadidicho, Kwiwala, Ladima, Likoko, Lohong Khvang Sa, Ma Feng Shu, Ma Fong Chou, Mandabi Guacu, Mani del Palo, Mantaba, Maraharalu, Médicinier, Médicinier à Grand Feuilles, Médicinier Barriére, Médicinier Beni, Médicinier Blanc, Médicinier Blanc Cathartique, Médicinier Cathartique, Médicinier Grand Bénit, Médicinier Purgatif, Medsiyen, Medsiyen Béni, Mogalieranda, Mogalierenda, Munduvi Guasu, Mvuisi, Nepala, Nepalam, Nepalamu, Niguri, Nimte, Nkrangye Dua, Noix des Barbades, Odinidazougou, Offosntang, Ogomba, Paharierand, Palo Santo, Parvataranda, Parvata Yeranda, Peddanepalemu, Pepalam, Periyanasi, Physic Nut, Pino, Pino Branco, Pignon des Barbados, Pignon d’Inde, Pignons d’Inde, Pinhno, Pinhno Bravo, Pinhao de Purga, Pinhno do Inferno, Pinhno do Manso, Pinhno do Paraguai, Pinhao Lorancol, Pinhao Manso, Pinheiro do Inferno, Piñól, Piñón, Piñón Blanco, Piñón Botija, Piñóncillo, Piñóncitos, Piñón Criollo, Piñón de Botija, Piñón de Cercas, Piñón de India, Piñón de la India, Piñón de Paraguay, Piñón de Purga, Piñónes Purgativos, Piñón Joshó, Piñón Lechero, Piñón Lotija, Piñón Purgante, Piñón Vomico, Pinyanasi, Poorgeernoot, Purga de Fraile, Purga du Huane, Purgeernoot, Purgenut, Purgenut Bush, Purghère, Purgiernuß, Purging Nut, Rajani Giri, Ran Erandi, Ranniarendero, Ratan, Ratanjot, Ratanjota, Ratanjyor, Rattanjot, Ratyun, Sabudang, Safedarand, Safe Dind, Sagin, Sajiba, Sajiwa, Sajyon, Sangre-Gado, Sangre-Grado, Sanouber el Hend, Satiman, Savoa, Schijtnoot, Schwarze Brechnuss, Schwarzelrechnuss, Semen Ricini Majoris, Simbo Kesu, Sumo, Taiwan Abura Giri, Tanantanambazaha, Tapate, Taprika, Tártago, Tatataba, Tavatova, Tempacte, Tempate, Tempocte, Tempote, Thinbaukyeksu, Totka Bendi, Tuatúa, Valavenola, Valerandu, Velendaru, Vyaaghrairanda, Wapa Wapa Oshe, Wasicano, White Physic Nut, Wild Oil Nut, Xkakalche, Yupur .
Activities — Alterative, Antipyretic, Aperient, Antibacterial, Antioxidant, Antiscorbutic, Antiseptic, Antiviral, Astringent, Cardiotonic, Demulcent, Depurative, Diuretic, Emmenagogue, Emollient, Fungicide, Hemostat, Hepatoprotective, Hyperglycemic, Hypoglycemic, Hypotensive, Laxative, Myorelaxant, Sedative, Tonic, Uterocontractant, Uterotonic, Vermifuge. [Handbook of Medicinal Herbs]
Ayurvedic uses: Seed—highly toxic. Nut - purgative. Plant—used for scabies, ringworm, eczema, whitlow, warts, syphilis. Stem bark—applied to wounds of animal bites; root bark to sores. The protein of the seed contains the toxic albumin curcin
Uses: The oil expressed from the seeds of Jatropha curcas L. (Oleum Infernale) was formerly used in Western medicine to relieve the bowels of costiveness, to treat bleeding, and to heal wounds. In Burma, the seeds are used to relieve the bowels of costiveness. In Indonesia, the latex is used to alleviate itchiness, control bleeding, and treat eczema and ringworms. In the Philippines, the oil expressed from the seeds is used to relieve the bowels of costiveness and the latex, to assuage toothache. The plant is also used to treat cough and to stop diarrhea. In Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam, Jatropha curcas L. is used to facilitate abortion, alleviate itchiness and heal ulcers. In Malaysia, the latex is used to treat bleeding and heal wounds. [Medicinal Plants of The Aisa-Pacific: Drugs For The Future?]
The oil of the seeds has a purgative action and is used all over West Africa in local medicine as a remedy for dropsy, sciatica, paralysis and skin diseases. [Medicinal plants in tropical West Africa]
Used in Jamaica as a purgative. In the Grenadines the leaves but rarely the seeds are so used. Curcas oil obtained from the seeds contains one or more toxic principles. At one time the toxic principle was said to be a toxalbumin named curcin similar to ricin and later work has assigned the toxicity to
curcinoleic acid. [Medicinal Plants of Jamaica]
Names: FG Creole: haricot du Perou, medicinier, medecinier blanc, noix de medecine, pignon de Barbarie, pignon d'Inde. Guyana: physic nut. Surinam: purgeernoot, schijtnooten. Surinam Bush Negro: po-oka. Surinam Javan: djarak pager. Surinam Sranan: sketnoto. USES: Latex: Dental analgesic when swabbed a tooth-cavity by the French Guiana Palikur and Wayapi. In French Guiana, the latex is mixed with lard for a resolutive pomade. Leaf: Cataplasm for neuralgia, fever, wounds, headaches, swellings; foot-rub for sand fleas. Leaf used for abcesses, coughs and colds, heart problems, pain, sores and toothaches in NW Guyana. Leaf and Fruit: Decoction for abdominal disorders, rheumatism, ulcers and swellings. Seed: Parched with ginger in decoction for menstrual pain. Oil is emetic, purgative; grated in poultice for abscesses. CHEM: Seed contains the toxalbumin curcine. Seeds have a depressant action on the central nervous system (69). Contains the irritant diterpenoid 12-deoxy-16-hydroxy-phorbol (3). [Medicinal Plants of the Guianas (Guyana, Surinam, French Guiana)]
Alleviates convulsions, itchiness, and pain; stops vomiting and bleeding; antiinflammatory; acute gastritis and enteritis. (Bark, seed) Taraxerol, -amyrin, amyrin, -sitosterol-3-0-D-glucoside, n-1-triacontanol, campesterol, sitosterol, 7-deto-sitosterol, stigmast-5-ene-3, 7-diol, stigmast-5-ene-3, 7-diol, palmitic, palmitoleic, stearic acids, linoleic acid, linolenic acid, oleic acid, dulcitol acid, myristic acid. [Taiwanese Native Medicinal Plants]
Listed in Handbook of Poisonous and Injurious Plants & International Poisonous Plants Checklist - An Evidence-Based Reference.
The leaves are useful in foul ulcers, tumours and scabies, ulcer. Seeds are useful in skin diseases. Latex smeared on the wound for healing [Herbal Cures: Traditional Approach]
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