Thespesia populnea (L.) Sol. ex CorrLa
Fmily: Malvaceae
Synonyms: Abelmoschus acuminatus (Alef.) Mull.Berol, Azanza acuminata Alef., Bupariti populnea (L.) Rothm., Hibiscus bacciferus Blume, Hibiscus blumei Kuntze, Hibiscus litoreus J.PresI, Hibiscus populifolius Salisb. , Hibiscus populneoides Roxb., Hibiscus populneus L., Malvaviscus populneus (L.) Gaertn., Parita populnea (L.) Scop., Thespesia howii S.Y. Hu, Thespesia macrophylla Blume
Common names: Indian Tulip Tree, Pacific Rosewood, Seaside Mahoe, Surina,
- Malay: Bebaru or Baru baru
- Polynesian languages: Milo or Miro
- Rapanui: Makoʻi
- Sinhala: Suriya
- Telugu: Gangaraavi
- Tamil: Poovarasu பூவரசு
- Malayalam: Poovarasu പൂവരശ്
- Marathi: Parasa pimpaala
- Bengali: PakuR, Gajashundi, Paraasapipula
- Sanskrit: Plaksa, Parisa, Kandarala, Phalisah, Gardabhanda
- Gujarati: Paaraspipalo
- Hindi: Paaraspipal
- Kannada: Huvarasi
Other vernacular names: Adengkra, Adormba, Álamo, Álamo Blanco, Algodón de Monte, Arasi, Arbol Paraguas, Ayedru, Baboigubat;, Baru, Baru-Baru, Baru Laut, Beach Maho, Benddy, Bendi, Bendy Tree, Bhendi, B k, Bois de Rose, Borborsenyu, Bosch Katoen, Buah K ras Laut, BuLacan, Catalpa, Chandabaram, Cheelanthi, Chrey Sramol, Clamor, Clavel de Mar, Clemón, Cork Tree, Cremón, Duartiana, Dumbla, Eijan, Emahagüillo, False Rosewood, Feuilles d’Haiti, Fèy D’atiti, Frescura, Gajadanda, Gajashundi, Gangaraavi, Gangaravi, Gangareenu, Gangareni, Gangarevi, Ganguranichettu, Gansurigaja, Gardabanda, Grand Mahout, Grós Mahaut, Gunjausto, Gwo Maro, Haiti Haiti, Heartwood, Higuillo, Hojo di Cruz, Hoovarase, Indian Tulip Tree, Jaqueca, Jogi, John Bull Tree, Kallal, Kandarolamaro, Karavachu, Katoen, Macoi, Mahagua de Florida, Mahagüillo, Mahaut de Londres, Maho, Mahoe, Mahor Borde de Mer, Majagua, Majagua de Florida, Majaguilla, Milo, Mortel Debout, Otaheita, Otaheite, Otoijfi, Paarsapeepala, Pacific Rosewood, Paharipipal, Palo de Jaqueca, Palu Santu, Pararspipal, Paraspiplo, Paraspippal, Parisa, Parsachha-Jhada, Parsipu, Parusa Pipalo, Parushamaran, Pau Rosa, Poovarasam Kallal, , Porcher, Porish, Porosopippoli, Portia Tree, Porush, P Tal, Puntada de Cabeza, Puvarasu, Puvvarashah, Ranbhendi, Santa Maria, Seaside Mahoe, Spanish Cork, Tamsi, Tebokala, Tespésia, Tornasol, Tulip Tree, Umbrella Tree, Valo, Valomena, Waru, Waru Laut.
Ayurvedic uses: Sotha, Daha, Dadru, Kandu, Prameha, Raktapitta, Raktavikara, Trishna, Vrana, Yoniroga, Medoroga, Tvakroga, Balavisarpa, Pama [API - Part-I, Vol-V]
Specific for skin diseases. Root, fruit and leaf—used in psoriasis, scabies and other cutaneous diseases. Lupenone, lupeol and alkanes show activity against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Bark— used for the treatment of haemorrhoids and chronic dysentery. Leaf— antiinflammatory.
Chemistry: The flowers gave populnetin, herbacetin, populneol, quercetin and its glycosides, kaempferol and its glycosides, rutin, gossypol, beta-sitosterol and its glycosides, nonacosane, lupenone, myricyl alcohol, lupeol and gossypetin. Presence of thespesin and herbacetin has been reported from fruits. Thespesin has been proved to be optically active gossypol. Gossypol occurring in cotton plant is optically inactive, whereas the gossypol from T. populnea has a high dextro-rotation. [Indian Medicinal Plants An Illustrated Dictionary]
Astringent, antibilious, antiviral [Medicinal Plants by P. P. Joy, J. Thomas, Samuel Mathew, Baby P. Skaria]
Uses: Fruit juice is used on rheumatism sprains, eczema, scabies, swellings insect bites and warts. Pulp of fresh fruits is applied for relief of migration. Unripe fruit juice is used to cure piles. Decoction of bark is given in diarrhoea and arthritis. [Herbal Cures: Traditional Approach]
123 Published articles of Thespesia populnea