Acalypha wilkesiana Müll.Arg.
Family: Euphorbiaceae

Synonyms: Ricinocarpus wilkesianus (Müll.Arg.) Kuntze , Acalypha wilkesiana f. triumphans (L.Linden & Rodigas) J.J.Sm. , Acalypha wilkesiana f. monstrosa J.J.Sm. , Acalypha wilkesiana var. marginata E.Morren , Acalypha wilkesiana f. macrophylla J.J.Sm. , Acalypha wilkesiana f. illustris J.J.Sm. , Acalypha wilkesiana f. circinata Müll.Arg. , Acalypha wilkesiana f. appendiculata J.W.Moore , Acalypha triumphans L.Linden & Rodigas , Acalypha tricolor Seem. , Acalypha torta Pax & K.Hoffm. [Invalid] , Acalypha musaica auct. , Acalypha marginata (Mill.) J.J.Sm. [Illegitimate] , Acalypha macrophylla Veitch [Illegitimate] , Acalypha macafeeana Veitch , Acalypha illustris Pax & K.Hoffm. [Invalid] , Acalypha hamiltoniana Briant , Acalypha godseffiana var. heterophylla L.H.Bailey , Acalypha godseffiana Mast. , Acalypha compacta Guilf. ex C.T.White , Acalypha circinata A.Gray ex Seem. [Invalid] , Acalypha amentacea subsp. wilkesiana (Müll.Arg.) Fosberg , Acalypha amentacea f. circinata (Müll.Arg.) Fosberg
- Common Names: Copper leaf, Joseph's coat, fire-dragon, match-me-if-you-can, crista-de-peru, Beef steak plant, fire dragon
- German: Buntlaubiges Kupferblatt, Stecklinge Kupfer- blatt
- French: acalyphe, foulard, dragon de feu, feuillage rouge
- Spanish: acalifa
- Portuguese: crista-de-Peru, acalifa, rabo-de-macaco, acalifa-vermelha
Uses: In Malaysia, a beverage consisting of about 60 g of the leaves boiled in goat’s milk is drunk to lower blood pressure, treat fever, relieve cough and heal pimples. It is said that about 10 g of the leaves boiled with sugar is used to treat trombocytopenic purpurea and allergic purpurea. Antibacterial,
Chemistry: Geraniin, gallic acid, and corilagin are the antimicrobial constituents of Acalypha wilkesiana [Medicinal Plants of The Aisa-Pacific: Drugs for The Future]
In Nigerian local medicine the plant is administered in the form of a tincture, a decoction or an infusion. The leaf juice, obtained by rubbing the leaves between the palms of the hands, is smeared on parts affected by Pityriasis versicolor or similar types of fungal skin infections. Alternatively, the decoction of the leaves may also be drunk by itself or in combination with other remedies. [Medicinal plants in tropical West Africa]
In Jamaica and in other West Indian islands the leaf of this ornamental is used as a headache poultice. Sometimes the leaves are moistened with bay rum but they may be used alone. Tea made with the leaves is sometimes used in the Grenadines as an internal treatment. A. indica L. is said to contain an alkaloid "acalyphin". [Medlcinal Plants of Jamaica]
22 Published articles of Acalypha wilkesiana