Lantana camara L.
Family: Verbenaceae
Nepali: गन्हाउने काँडा Ganhaaune kaanda
Telugu: తలంబ్రాలు చెట్టు, talambrala chettu, నవరత్నాల పూలు - navaratnala poolu

Malayalam: അരിപ്പൂവ് arippoo
English: Wild sage
Sanskrit: Caturaangi, Vanachchedi
Hindi: Caturang
Kannada: Kadugulabi
Various other names: Alantana (Mex.; AVP); Alfombrillo Hedionda (Mex.; JFM; JTR); Aya Albaca (Peru; Sp.; LOR; MDD); Aya Albahaca (Peru; EGG); Aya Machana (Peru; Que.; DLZ; SOU); Aya Manchana (Peru; EGG; RAR); Bandera Español (Pan.; TBC); Bigleaf Sage (Ma.; JFM); Big Sage (Ma.; JFM); Black Sage (Ma.; JFM); Bois Corail (Haiti; AVP); Bois Genou (Mart.; AVP); Bonbongnin (Haiti; AVP); Bonbonnier (Haiti; AVP); Bonbonyen (Creole; Haiti; VOD); Bubita Negra (Ma.; JFM); Buzunuca (Dor.; AVP); Camará (Arg.; Brazil; Pan.; AVP; MPB; TBC); Camara de Chumbo (Ma.; JFM); Camara de Espinho (Ma.; JFM); Camara Vermelho (Brazil; JFM; JTR); Cambara (Arg.; Brazil; AVP; MPB); Cambará-de-Cheiro (Brazil; Por.; USN); Cambara de Chumbo (Brazil; Por.; MPB; USN); Cambara de Espinho (Brazil; Por.; MPB; USN); Cambara Juba (Brazil; Por.; MPB; USN); Cambará-Miúdo (Brazil; Por.; USN); Cambara Verdadeira (Ma.; JFM); Cambará-Verdadeiro (Brazil; Por.; USN); Cambara Vermeljo (Brazil; AVP); Cambarazinho (Brazil; Por.; USN); Cambaro de Cheiro (Por.; GMJ); Cariaquillo (Pr.; AVP); Cariaquillo de Santa Maria (Pr.; AVP); Cariaquito (Ven.; AVP); Cariaquito Blanco (Ven.; AVP); Cariaquito Colorado (Ven.; AVP); Cariaquito de Sabana (Ven.; AVP); Charo Bera (Shipibo/Conibo; EGG; MD2); Chichiquelite (Pan.; TBC); Chiligua Nigrita (Ma.; JFM); Chumbinho (Brazil; MPB); Cinco Coloraditos (Guat.; Sa.; AVP); Cinco Negritos (Ecu.; Guat.; Hon.; Mex.; Nic.; Pan.; Sal.; AVP; DAG; JTR; TBC); Cino Negritos (Cr.; AVP); Comida de Palomas (Guat.; Hon.; AVP; JTR); Confite (Mex.; JFM; JTR); Confite Negro (Mex.; JFM); Confituria (Mex.; JFM; JTR); Corona del Sol (Mex.; AVP); Corronchocho (Guat.; JFM; JTR); Cuasquito Olorosa (Nic.; AVP); Donyanica (Cuba; AVP); Donyanita (Dor.; AVP); Donya Sanita (Dor.; AVP); Erbe Chumbinho (Por.; GMJ); Erva-de-Grilo (Brazil; Por.; USN); Erva Sagrada (Ma.; JFM); Filigrana (Cuba; AVP; JTR); Filigrana Cimarrona (Cuba; AVP); Filigrana de Pinya (Cuba; AVP); Filigrana Olorosa (Cuba; AVP); Filigrana Salvia (Cuba; AVP); Flor de Duende (Ven.; AVP; JFM); Flor de San Cayetano (Mex.; JFM; JTR); Flor di Sanger (Ma.; JFM); Four Man’s Strength (Ma.; JFM); Hamel a Feuilles Velues (Haiti; AVP); Herbe a Plomb (Fwi.; Guad.; AVP); Herva Sagrada (Brazil; AVP); Hierba de Cristo (Mex.; AVP; JFM); Hierba Zorra (Pan.; AVP); Icaquito (Sal.; AVP); Ikilhaxin (Bel.; BNA); Jamaica Mountain Sage (Eng.; TAN); Japutamo Comun (Bol.; DLZ); Jaral (Cr.; AVP); Jarilla (Cr.; AVP); Juanilama (Hon.; AVP); Koorsoe W’wirie (Ma.; JFM); Korsoe Wiwiiri (Ma.; JFM); Krooman Pawpaw (Eng.; TAN); Lachoy Mawon (Creole; Haiti; VOD); Lampana (Mex.; JFM; JTR); Lantana (Eng.; Mex.; Scn.; AH2; AVP; RAR; USN; VOD); Lantana-Cambará (Brazil; Por.; USN); Lauraimana (Peru; EGG; RAR; SOU); Lawraymana (Callawaya; DLZ); Maiz Zorro (Ma.; JFM); Maria Crabe (Creole; Guy.; GMJ); Marie Crabe (Fr. Guy.; AVP); Marie Crabe Epineux (Fr. Guy.; AVP); Matizadilla (Mex.; JFM; JTR); Mavis (Guad.; AVP); Mille Flores (Guad.; Mart.; AVP); Monjoly (Fr. Guy.; AVP); Monte de Lagolondrina (Ecu.; BEJ); Mora (Mex.; JFM); Morabatindum (Brazil; AVP); Mora de Caballo (Ma.; JFM); Mora de Muerto (Ma.; JFM); Orozuz del Pais (Mex.; JFM; JTR); Palabra de Caballero (Bel.; Ma.; JFM); Palabra de Mujer (Mex.; JFM); Pampa Orégano (Peru; EGG); Pasorin (Pan.; AVP; TBC); Peonia Negra (Mex.; JFM; JTR); Petekin (Bel.; Ma.; BNA; JFM); Petelkin (Ma.; JFM); Poley Cimarrón (Pr.; AVP; JTR); Quita Pesar (Ma.; JFM); Red-Sage (Eng.; USN); Red Sage Bush (Ma.; JFM); Rubban (Creole; Guy.; GMJ); Saemeje (Ese’eja; MD2); Saemese (Ese’eja; MD2); Sage (Bel.; Pr.; AVP; BNA); Salsa Brava (Brazil; AVP); Salvia Morado (Arg.; AVP); Salvia Santa (Cr.; AVP); San Agustin Lluyo (Ecu.; BEJ); San Agustin Yullo (Ecu.; BEJ); San Rafaelito (Pan.; AVP; JTR); Santaurio (Cuba; JFM; JTR); Santo Negrito (Cr.; Sal.; AVP; JTR); Sapotillo (Ma.; JFM); Sauge des Montagnes (Guad.; Haiti; AVP; JTR); Siete Colores (Mex.; Peru; SOU); Sincuria (Ma.; JFM); Socorrite (Col.; JFM; JTR); Sonora (Mex.; AVP); Sonora Roja (Mex.; Sp.; JFM; JTR); Sorrito (Col.; AVP); Soterre (Cr.; AVP); Te de Costa (Cuba; AVP); The du Pere Quentin (Guad.; AVP); The Indien (Creole; Guy.; GMJ); Ti Plomb (Guad.; AVP); Ti Soleil (Haiti; AVP); Ti Solèy (Creole; Haiti; VOD); Tres Colores (Mex.; Sp.; JFM; JTR); Tucnai (Peru; EGG; SOU); Tunchi Albaca (Peru; Sp.; EGG; LOR); Uña de Gato (Mex.; Sp.; JFM); Venturosa (Col.; AVP; JTR); Venturosa Colorado (Ven.; JTR); Verbena-Arbustiva (Brazil; Por.; USN); Verbena Morado (Cuba; JTR); Verveine (Creole; Guad.; Guy.; GMJ); We Ach (Bel.; BNA); Wild Mint (Pan.; AVP); Wild Sage (Bel.; Eng.; Fla.; Jam.; Pan.; AAB; AVP; BNA; CR2; USN; VOD); Wu Se Mei (Pin.; DAA); Yakalepiile (Wayãpi; GMJ); Yandurimbiu (Chiriguano; DLZ); Yellow-Sage (Eng.; Ocn.; AH2; USN); Yierba de la Maestranza (Peru; EGG; SOU); Zapotilla (Mex.; JTR); Zarzamora (Mex.; JTR); Zeb a Plombe (Haiti; AVP); Zèb a Plon (Creole; Haiti; VOD., Zerb des Putains (Creole; Guy.; GMJ).
Ayurvedic uses: Plant—antirheumatic, antimalarial; used in tetanus and ataxy of abdominal viscera. Pounded leaves are applied to cuts, ulcers and swellings; a decoction of leaves and fruits is used as a lotion for wounds.
Antirheumatic, antimalarial [Medicinal Plants, Kerala Agricultural University]
Lantana camara (yellow sage, common Lantana), the fruits of which have been responsible for children poisoning. The toxic principles are pentacyclic triterpene derivatives, lantadene A and B which provoke cholestasis, hepatic necrosis,
gastroenteritis with bloody, watery feces, weakness, paralysis of the limbs and death in three to four days. [Medicinal Plants of The Asia-Pacific: Drugs for The Future]
Activities: Alexeteric, Antibacterial, Antihemorrhagic, Antipyretic, Antiseptic, Antispasmodic, Carminative, Circulodepressant, CNS Depressant, Depurative, Diaphoretic, Digestive, Diuretic, Emmenagogue, Expectorant, Fungicide, Hemostat, Hepatotoxic, Hypotensive, Insecticide, Myocontractant, Nephrotoxic, Nervine, Pectoral, Phototoxic, Piscicide, Sedative, Stimulant, Stomachic, Tonic, Vermifuge, Vulnerary .
Indications: Anemia, Asthma, Bacteria, Biliousness, Bite, Bleeding, Bronchosis, Cancer, Catarrh, Chickenpox, Childbirth, Cold, Cough, Cramp, Dermatosis, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Dysmenorrhea, Dyspepsia, Dyspnea, Dysuria, Eczema, Enterosis, Eruption, Fever, Fistula, Flu, Fungus, Gas, Headache, Hepatosis, High Blood Pressure, Infection, Inflammation, Insomnia, Itch, Jaundice, Leprosy, Malaria, Measles, Mycosis, Nervousness, Neurodermatosis, Pain, Parotosis, Pulmonosis, Respirosis, Rheumatism, Scabies, Snakebite, Sore, Spasm, Staphylococcus, Stomachache, Stomatosis, Swelling, Tetanus, Toothache, Tuberculosis, Tumor, Ulcer, VD, Water Retention, Worm, Wound, Yellow Fever .
[Handbook of Medicinal Herbs. 2nd Ed. CRC Press]
Activities: Alexiteric, Amebicide, Anthelmintic, Antihemorrhagic, Antilymphocytic, Antimalarial, Antimutagenic, Antiseptic, Antispasmodic, Antitussive, Bactericide, Carminative, Cicatrizant, Circuladepressant, CNS-Depressant, CNS-Stimulant, Depurative, Diaphoretic, Digestive, Diuretic, Emmenagogue, Expectorant, Febrifuge, Fungicide, Gastrotonic, Hemostat, Hepatotoxic, Hypotensive, Hypothermic, Immunosuppressive, Insecticide, Insectifuge, Myocontractant, Myorelaxant, Nematocide, Nephrotoxic, Nervine, Pectoral, Pheromone, Phototoxic, Piscicide, PKC-Inhibitor, Purgative, Sedative, Spermicide, Stimulant, Stomachic, Sudorific, Tonic, Toxic, Vermifuge, Vulnerary .
Indications: Amebiasis, Anemia, Asthma, Bacillus, Bacteria, Biliousness, Bites, Bleeding, Bronchosis, Bruises, Cancer, Catarrh, Chest Colds, Chickenpox, Childbirth, Colds, Consumption, Coughs, Cramps, Dermatosis, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Dysmenorrhea, Dyspepsia, Dyspnea, Dysuria, Eczema, Enterosis, Eruption, Fever, Fistula, Flu, Fungus, Gas, Gonorrhea, Headache, Hepatosis, Herpes, High Blood Pressure, Impetigo, Infection, Inflammation, Itch, Jaundice, Leprosy, Malaria, Measles, Mycosis, Neurodermatosis, Pain, Parotitis, Pneumopathy, Pseudomonas, Pulmonosis, Respirosis, Rheumatism, Ringworm, Salmonella, Scabies, Snake Bite, Sores, Spasms, Staphylococcus, Stomachache, Stomatosis, Swelling, Tetanus, Toothache, Tumors, Ulcers, VD, Viruses, Worms, Wounds, Yellow Fever. [Duke's Handbook of Medicinal Plants of Latin America]
The roots of Iantana are occasionally used as a gargle and Found wash, because of the tannin content. The plant has been reported to contain an alkaloid, antanine, which is antispasmodic and antipyretic. The leaves’ strong odor is due to volatile oil. In animals, lantana causes photosensitization and hepatic damage. It is not known if these same effects occur in human beings. [Philippine Medicinal Plants in Common Use: Their Phytochemistry & Pharmacology]
Improves blood circulation; arthritis, flu; antiinflammation, antitoxic; abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea [Taiwanese Native Medicinal Plants]
647 Publish ed articles of
Lantana camaraAyurvedic uses: Plant—antirheumatic, antimalarial; used in tetanus and ataxy of abdominal viscera. Pounded leaves are applied to cuts, ulcers and swellings; a decoction of leaves and fruits is used as a lotion for wounds.
Antirheumatic, antimalarial [Medicinal Plants, Kerala Agricultural University]
Lantana camara (yellow sage, common Lantana), the fruits of which have been responsible for children poisoning. The toxic principles are pentacyclic triterpene derivatives, lantadene A and B which provoke cholestasis, hepatic necrosis,
gastroenteritis with bloody, watery feces, weakness, paralysis of the limbs and death in three to four days. [Medicinal Plants of The Asia-Pacific: Drugs for The Future]
Activities: Alexeteric, Antibacterial, Antihemorrhagic, Antipyretic, Antiseptic, Antispasmodic, Carminative, Circulodepressant, CNS Depressant, Depurative, Diaphoretic, Digestive, Diuretic, Emmenagogue, Expectorant, Fungicide, Hemostat, Hepatotoxic, Hypotensive, Insecticide, Myocontractant, Nephrotoxic, Nervine, Pectoral, Phototoxic, Piscicide, Sedative, Stimulant, Stomachic, Tonic, Vermifuge, Vulnerary .
Indications: Anemia, Asthma, Bacteria, Biliousness, Bite, Bleeding, Bronchosis, Cancer, Catarrh, Chickenpox, Childbirth, Cold, Cough, Cramp, Dermatosis, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Dysmenorrhea, Dyspepsia, Dyspnea, Dysuria, Eczema, Enterosis, Eruption, Fever, Fistula, Flu, Fungus, Gas, Headache, Hepatosis, High Blood Pressure, Infection, Inflammation, Insomnia, Itch, Jaundice, Leprosy, Malaria, Measles, Mycosis, Nervousness, Neurodermatosis, Pain, Parotosis, Pulmonosis, Respirosis, Rheumatism, Scabies, Snakebite, Sore, Spasm, Staphylococcus, Stomachache, Stomatosis, Swelling, Tetanus, Toothache, Tuberculosis, Tumor, Ulcer, VD, Water Retention, Worm, Wound, Yellow Fever .
[Handbook of Medicinal Herbs. 2nd Ed. CRC Press]
Activities: Alexiteric, Amebicide, Anthelmintic, Antihemorrhagic, Antilymphocytic, Antimalarial, Antimutagenic, Antiseptic, Antispasmodic, Antitussive, Bactericide, Carminative, Cicatrizant, Circuladepressant, CNS-Depressant, CNS-Stimulant, Depurative, Diaphoretic, Digestive, Diuretic, Emmenagogue, Expectorant, Febrifuge, Fungicide, Gastrotonic, Hemostat, Hepatotoxic, Hypotensive, Hypothermic, Immunosuppressive, Insecticide, Insectifuge, Myocontractant, Myorelaxant, Nematocide, Nephrotoxic, Nervine, Pectoral, Pheromone, Phototoxic, Piscicide, PKC-Inhibitor, Purgative, Sedative, Spermicide, Stimulant, Stomachic, Sudorific, Tonic, Toxic, Vermifuge, Vulnerary .
Indications: Amebiasis, Anemia, Asthma, Bacillus, Bacteria, Biliousness, Bites, Bleeding, Bronchosis, Bruises, Cancer, Catarrh, Chest Colds, Chickenpox, Childbirth, Colds, Consumption, Coughs, Cramps, Dermatosis, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Dysmenorrhea, Dyspepsia, Dyspnea, Dysuria, Eczema, Enterosis, Eruption, Fever, Fistula, Flu, Fungus, Gas, Gonorrhea, Headache, Hepatosis, Herpes, High Blood Pressure, Impetigo, Infection, Inflammation, Itch, Jaundice, Leprosy, Malaria, Measles, Mycosis, Neurodermatosis, Pain, Parotitis, Pneumopathy, Pseudomonas, Pulmonosis, Respirosis, Rheumatism, Ringworm, Salmonella, Scabies, Snake Bite, Sores, Spasms, Staphylococcus, Stomachache, Stomatosis, Swelling, Tetanus, Toothache, Tumors, Ulcers, VD, Viruses, Worms, Wounds, Yellow Fever. [Duke's Handbook of Medicinal Plants of Latin America]
The roots of Iantana are occasionally used as a gargle and Found wash, because of the tannin content. The plant has been reported to contain an alkaloid, antanine, which is antispasmodic and antipyretic. The leaves’ strong odor is due to volatile oil. In animals, lantana causes photosensitization and hepatic damage. It is not known if these same effects occur in human beings. [Philippine Medicinal Plants in Common Use: Their Phytochemistry & Pharmacology]
Improves blood circulation; arthritis, flu; antiinflammation, antitoxic; abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea [Taiwanese Native Medicinal Plants]