Family: Lamiaceae
Synonyms: Basilicum polystachyon war. stereocladum Briq. Lehmannia ocymoidea Jacq. ex Steud. Lumnitzera polystachyon (L.) J.Jacq. ex Spreng. Moschosma dimidiatum (Schumach. & Thonn.) Benth. Moschosma polystachyon (L.) Benth. Ocimum dimidiatum Schumach. & Thonn. Ocimum moschatum Salisb Ocimum polystachyon L. Ocimum tashiroi Hayata Perxo polystachyon (L.) Raf. Plectranthus micranthus Sprang. Plectranthusparviflorus R.Br.
Other names: Sanakki Poondu
French: Basilic commun, Basilic à épis nombreux
Finnish: Kiiltoliisukka
Chinese: 台湾罗勒 , 小冠薰
Annual; stem to 1.22 m high, much branched, acutely 4-angular, shallowly furrowed, the angles pustular with tubercles tipped by caducous bristles, the nodes annulate with very small hairs, otherwise glabrous. Leaves broadly ovate to oval-rhomboid, 2.6-7.5 x 2-4.3 cm, truncate to cuneate at base, acuminate, irregularly crenate-serrate, thin, membranous, scaberulous above, glabrous beneath; petioles 1.7-5 cm. Racemes linear, 5-6 cm long; verticils often 6-flowered. Floral leaves obspathulate to oval-oblong, 1 mm long, aristate. Pedicels 1 mm long, hispidulous. Calyx 1.75-2 mm long, longer in fruit; tube subventricose, 1.25 mm long, hispidulous with gland tipped hairs at base without, somewhat inflated at base in front; upper lip broadly ovate, 0.75 x 1 mm, acuminate; lower lip as long as upper, 4-dentate, the lateral ones triangular-ovate, the anterior ones triangular-lanceolate, acuminate, aristate. Corolla 2.5-3 mm long, mauvish-pink; tube straight, campanulate, 1.75 mm long, glabrous without, thinly pubescent within; upper lip erect, 3-lobed, lobes rounded, central one 2-fid; lower lip slightly longer, oval-oblong, flat, hispidulous ventrally. Stamens didymous, included; anterior filaments longer than posterior all glabrous; anthers 2-celled, the cells continuous. Style glabrous, shortly 2-fid at apex; branches oblong-oval. Nutlets broadly ellipsoid, 0.8 mm long, compressed, dark brown.
7 Published articles of Basilicum polystachyon
1. Use of response surface methodology for optimization of a shoot regeneration protocol in Basilicum polystachyon
By: Chakraborty, Dipjyoti; Bandyopadhyay, Abhijit; Bandopadhyay, Souvik; et al.
IN VITRO CELLULAR & DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY-PLANT Volume: 46 Issue: 5 Pages: 451-459 Published: OCT 2010
2. Use of response surface methodology for optimization of a shoot regeneration protocol in Basilicum polystachyon.
By: Dipjyoti Chakraborty; Abhijit Bandyopadhyay; Souvik Bandopadhyay; et al.
In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant Volume: 46 Issue: 5 Pages: 451-459 Published: 2010
By: Madhavan, V.; Prasad, M. R. Rajnendra; Murali, Anita; et al.
Indian Journal of Natural Products Volume: 25 Issue: 3 Pages: 8-12 Published: SEP 2009
4. Antimicrobial activity of leaf extract of Basilicum polystachyon (L) Moench
By: Chakraborty, D.; Mandal, S. M.; Chakraborty, J.; et al.
INDIAN JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY Volume: 45 Issue: 8 Pages: 744-748 Published: AUG 2007
5. In vitro adventitious rooting of Basilicum polystachyon microshoots
By: Chakraborty, D.; Bandhyopadhyay, A.; Bhattacharyya, P. K.; et al.
Plant Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology Volume: 7 Issue: 3-4 Pages: 135-144 Published: SEP-DEC 2006
6. In vitro flowering of Basilicum polystachyon (L.) Moench
By: Chakraborty, Dipjyoti; Bandhyopadhyay, Abhijit; Bhattacharyaa, P. K.; et al.
Plant Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology Volume: 7 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 17-22 Published: MAR-JUN 2006 s)
7. Studies on the germination behavior of Basilicum polystachyon-an ethnobotanically important medicinal plant.
By: Chakraborty, Dipjyoti; Bhattacharya, Prasanta Kumar; Bandyopadhyay, Abhijit; et al.
Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Sciences Volume: 25 Issue: 1 Pages: 58-62 Published: March 2003
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