Family: Oxalidaceae
Synonyms: Biophytum somnulentum Goebel , Biophytum sesbanioides Edgew. & Hook.f. , Biophytum poterioides Edgew. & Hook.f. , Biophytum nervifolium Thwaites , Biophytum homblei De Wild. , Biophytum cumingii Klotzsch , Biophytum cumingianum (Turcz.) Edgew. & Hook.f. , Biophytum candolleanum Wight , Biophytum bogoroense De Wild. , Biophytum bequaertii De Wild.
Chinese: 感应草
Bengali: ঝলৈ jhalai
Hindi: alm bhusha, लज्जालू lajjaalu, lakshmana
Kannada: hara muni, jalapushpa
Malayalam: മുക്കുറ്റി mukkutti
Marathi: झरेरा jharera, लाजवंती lajwanti
Sanskrit: झुल्लिपुष्प jhullipuspa, लजालू lajalu, पङ्क्तिपत्र panktipatra, pitapushpa, vipareetalajjaalu, alambusha, jalapushpa, peethapushpa, samanga, krithanjali
Tamil: nilaccurunki, tintaanaalee
Telugu: attapatti, chumi, jala puspa, పులిచింత pulicenta
Uses: Astringent, antipyretic, anti-septic [MEDICINAL PLANTS]
Activities: Analgesic , Antiangiogenic , Antiaphrodisiac , Anticancer , Antiedemic , Antiinflammatory , Antioxidant , Antiseptic , Antisialogogue , Antitumor , Astringent, Bitter, Contraceptive, COXI-Inhibitor, Diuretic, Expectorant, Febrifuge, Hypoglycemic, Insulinotropic, Litholytic, Sterilant, Stimulant, Tonic, Vulnerary .
Indications: Abscesses , Asthma, Biliousness, Bruises, Burns, Cancer, Collapse, Convulsions, Cramps, Dermatosis , Diabetes , Edema , Fever , Gastrosis, Gonorrhea, Hyperglycemia, Infection , Inflammation, Insomnia , Mycobacterium; Pain, Phthisis, Pulmonosis, Spasms, Stomachache, Stones, Strangury, Swelling, Thirst, Tuberculosis, Tumors, VD, Wounds. [Duke’s Handbook of MEDICINAL PLANTS OF LATIN AMERICA]
Rural folk of Orissa and ethnic communities of Sagar district consider the plant as antiexcitant. Bhils use root to decrease sexual vigour; and the ethnic communities of Ratan Mahal Hills (Gujarat) maintain that smoking dried leaves with tobacco reduces the reproductive capabilities of man, and excessive use of the same renders him impotent. Kasis, Jaintias and Santals find different parts of the plant beneficial for diverse diseases. [HERBAL CURES: TRADITIONAL APPROACH]
Plant—used in insomnia, convulsions, cramps, chest-complaints, inflammations, tumours, chronic skin diseases. Ash—in stomachache. Leaves— diuretic, astringent, antiseptic. Paste is applied to burns, contusions and wounds. Decoction is given in strangury, asthma and phthisis. Roots—decoction is given in lithiasis. Mature leaves are recommended in diabetes; contain an insulin-like principle. A saline extract of leaves showed hypoglycaemic activity in rabbits. [Indian Medicinal Plants An Illustrated Dictionary]
36 Published articles of Biophytum sensitivum